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@rockygems123 wrote:

@Shanus  I love the idea of your adjustable pearls in length necklace!  And yes I recently took out of inventory mabe pearls & tiny diamonds, havent worn pearl anything in years, so excited to keep them. Smiley Happy

  1. 20230225_092113.jpg

@rockygems123 These are fabulous!  I have a pair of these with blisters just a tad bigger--like the one on the right--and no diamonds!  I got them a long time ago at Dallas Market. I also got some diamond and pear earrings from them.  I will never get tired of these.

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I like them too but haven't worn them for sometime.  My mother left me a necklace which I should probably have restrung.  I also really like freshwater pearls!

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White is not a good color for me to wear near my face.  Makes me looked washed out; however, if I wear pearl earrings with a white shirt, blouse, top or whatever it completely changes the look.  White pearls make everything look better.

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@Shanus I love pearls and I don't think they will ever go out of style.  I have all differnt types and colors of pearls.  I bought most of them from QVC the Honora pearls, I really miss those shows when they were on and had some really great deals at the time. 

Wear your pearls and enjoy them.

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@Kachina624 wrote:

I've always had an intense dislike of pearls.  They're so blah with no personality.  It makes me furious that other people get pretty, sparkly, colorful gemstones as birthstones but I only got boring pearls for June.  I've only ever had a pearl ring that my parents gave me, no other pearls.  Wouldn't wear them if I had them.


So sorry you don't like pearls I think they are so pretty, however another option for June birthstone is the Alexandrite.  I think that is a pretty stone which can change colors depending on the light.



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@Dusty1 That was going to be my comment pretty much exactly (minus the pictures).  The title of this thread should be:  Pearls making a comemack for women


I do have to say, I am not a fan of men wearing the pearls. Pearls are the ultimate feminine accessory in my opinion.  Sometimes even considered prissy. I think there are some island type pearl necklaces that can skew more to the masculine - are more unisex - but again to me, regular strings of pearls is not a look I like to see on men


Happy to hear they are starting to trend too for women.

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@rockygems123   Gorgeous earrings. I love them.

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I've always loved pearls.  I have earrings, bracelets, a ring and earrings.  I wear whenever I feel like it. 


I don't think this classy style has ever gone away.  Some like the look, some don't. 

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I think it's nice that people can wear what they like and do not feel bound to stereotypes.  I can't imagine a world where people did not mix up what they wear.  I have always liked doing that!