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Re: GIA Report: Rainbow Calsilica

I purchased a rainbow calsilica necklace from Jay King on HSN and was blissfully unaware of all the controversy. I really like the necklace, but some of the cachet has worn off now, after reading that it may not be a natural stone like I assumed. I say "assumed" because I really don't remember what Jay said about it at the time (it's was at least 7-8 yrs. ago that I purchased the necklace).

Of course, he can be very slippery about the description, similar to the beauty product claims that say a product will "dramatically reduce (the appearance of fine) lines and wrinkles", by claiming his rainbow calsilica has "properties (similar to) stones found in secret mines", or whatever.

I always liked Jay and his shows are few of those that I actually watch, but it's sad to learn that he could be deceptive with his sales pitches.

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Re: GIA Report: Rainbow Calsilica

As StuffyBug said " . . . , but I was aware of what I was buying before I purchased."

As long as the buyer knows what she is buying, that's what matters. Full disclosure is the basis for making an informed buying decision. If you know what it is and decide to buy it, its all good. Beyond that, it is a matter of taste. Buy it if you like it.

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Re: GIA Report: Rainbow Calsilica

What controversy? Rainbow casilica is a synthetic stone. I've known that ever since it appeared on the shopping channels. Jay King offers it and I don't know if he identifies it as synthetic but JTV ocassionally has some in jewelry and they always say it's synthetic. I have a Jay King piece on my wish list. Moissanite is synthetic too....just in case there's any doubt about that out there.

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Re: GIA Report: Rainbow Calsilica

a few years ago someone asked CP why she didn't present any RC and she said because it isn't a stone! So, like Kath I did some research and found out it was the tile they throw together from the different rooftops -- and even so - as long as you know what it is it is still pretty to wear once in awhile - I have 1 ring and a nice pendant set in a Native American design - enjoy wearing it once in awhile especially with Denim - but I definitely wouldn't pay much for it and I didn't!! What Jay was charging is wayyyy too much!!

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Re: GIA Report: Rainbow Calsilica

I think they actually miss a marketing opportunity here...this stone seems to be recycled from waste materials. I doesn't speak to me, with regard to the coloration, but I love pieces that are made of recycled products. I have been helping a friend with her kitchen re-do...looking at recycled countertop material and the products are amazing! The process for this stone seems very similar to other composite countertops. As long as the material origins are properly disclosed, does it matter whether something is natural or synthetic? If you love it, buy it and wear it well!

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Re: GIA Report: Rainbow Calsilica

On 7/7/2014 smarty said:

I think they actually miss a marketing opportunity here...this stone seems to be recycled from waste materials. I doesn't speak to me, with regard to the coloration, but I love pieces that are made of recycled products. I have been helping a friend with her kitchen re-do...looking at recycled countertop material and the products are amazing! The process for this stone seems very similar to other composite countertops. As long as the material origins are properly disclosed, does it matter whether something is natural or synthetic? If you love it, buy it and wear it well!

You summed it up very well.
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Re: GIA Report: Rainbow Calsilica

On 7/7/2014 StuffyBug said:
On 7/7/2014 smarty said:

I think they actually miss a marketing opportunity here...this stone seems to be recycled from waste materials. I doesn't speak to me, with regard to the coloration, but I love pieces that are made of recycled products. I have been helping a friend with her kitchen re-do...looking at recycled countertop material and the products are amazing! The process for this stone seems very similar to other composite countertops. As long as the material origins are properly disclosed, does it matter whether something is natural or synthetic? If you love it, buy it and wear it well!

You summed it up very well.

I second that. Sooner or later there will be only recycled materials available to cater to our jewelry whims. There will come a time when we have used up all of earth's non renewable resources. Been thinking about that a lot lately.

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Re: GIA Report: Rainbow Calsilica

The point here is that Jay swears up and down that this stuff is a naturally occurring substance and the GIA says it just ain't so. I've always thought the colors were too bright and the way they're layered just didn't look like the work of Mother Nature. I wonder if he'll ever concede that it's phony?
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: GIA Report: Rainbow Calsilica

On 7/7/2014 kachina624 said: The point here is that Jay swears up and down that this stuff is a naturally occurring substance and the GIA says it just ain't so. I've always thought the colors were too bright and the way they're layered just didn't look like the work of Mother Nature. I wonder if he'll ever concede that it's phony?

Maybe we'll find out this week??

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Registered: ‎12-28-2012

Re: GIA Report: Rainbow Calsilica

On 7/7/2014 smarty said:

I think they actually miss a marketing opportunity here...this stone seems to be recycled from waste materials. I doesn't speak to me, with regard to the coloration, but I love pieces that are made of recycled products. I have been helping a friend with her kitchen re-do...looking at recycled countertop material and the products are amazing! The process for this stone seems very similar to other composite countertops. As long as the material origins are properly disclosed, does it matter whether something is natural or synthetic? If you love it, buy it and wear it well!
