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Younger people are not buying jewelry like the older generations did. Millennials have outnumbered the older folks and the millennials are the ones the retailers are aiming at right now and that doesn't include much jewelry. Economic landscape has shifted.

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@qualitygal wrote:

Do bears ............................             LOL


I have mine on.

I still wear jewelry every day even when I am just home alone!

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@SilleeMee wrote:

Younger people are not buying jewelry like the older generations did. Millennials have outnumbered the older folks and the millennials are the ones the retailers are aiming at right now and that doesn't include much jewelry. Economic landscape has shifted.

@SilleeMee   So true! 


I have a LOT of jewelry ...I feel naked without wearing a pair of dangly or hoop earrings!....My Millennial daughter wears very little.  She's just not interested in any of my jewelry.

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I have waaay too much jewelry! @haddon9  I don't have any kids but I often wonder what will happen to all of it after I'm gone...and what will they, whoever that is, think when they find my huge stash of itSmiley Surprised...LOL!!Woman LOL

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Never leave home without jewelry. Just my thing. It's fun to decide what right hand ring and earrings I'll wear that day. So glad we seldom stay stuck in constipated thoughts that were passed along to generations. Celebrate your independence and good sense! Today -- so many women pay for our own jewelry! 

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Totally agree with all you said @lmt 

I wear jewelry every time I go out. Love it. Wear rings, pendant, bracelet and earrings, of course I'm 67.

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yes... in my 40's and 50's watching the shopping channels.. it was all about buying jewelry!  I wore lots of it.... loved it and spent way too much money....


Now I think the everything has shifted as far as wants and needs for Women in their 40's and 50's. Younger people are just not into jewerly like 30 years ago.   Thus not selling much on the shopping channels.


 I have LOTS of jewelery  now that just sits in my jewelry boxes.   64,  and retired... nowhere to wear it.  I just barely put on earrings as a last thought going out the door. No bracelets.. rings( most do not fit over my arthritic knuckles anymore....)   I sold about 75% of my really big and heavy gold  pieces.... still have way too much. 


I sure do not see women decked out with jewelry when I am out shopping...


most women are in sweats that look like they need a wash.  I think THAT is the new women of 2020.

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Do women wear jewelry?  This woman does!!  I wondered how my habits would change after retirement, and now I know.  I don't wear brooches as much, since I rarely wear suits anymore, but retirement has given me an opportunity to wear different kinds of jewelry, smaller, less elaborate gold pieces.  I LOVE layering small gemstone and gold bracelets and layering chain necklaces. Little gemstone station necklaces look cute with tshirts or casual blouses.  Little huggie hoops or studs go with any casual outfit. Lemme tell ya, I'm exploring new styles and combinations with my jeans, knit outfits and casual tops and having fun with it.


Younger women may not buy much good jewelry, but I'm buying their share!

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Jewelry sales at QVC have been a losing proposition for QVC for quite a few years.  They've chosen not to waste a lot of valuable air time on something that's not profitable.   I've heard that jewelry is not popular with the younger generation.  They'd rather spend their money on electronics.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Earrings are a must!