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Everything is selling out. There are lots of people watching and ordering.

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On 7/4/2014 EastCoastViewer said:

Everything is selling out. There are lots of people watching and ordering.

Because Lisa said SHE was ordering!! Girl can sell and loads of women believe in her it seems.

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I'm really enjoying this show too! With all the hair placement and waist straightening that Lisa's been doing, calling out "get one for me" made her actually look comfortable! I don't mind Lisa at all but wish she'd dress down a little more, you know, quit the extensions, tone down the make up, wear things she won't pull at and just be comfortable! And I was thinking how good Carolyn looked considering she admitted she's SO tired.

Love how much they're laughing and getting a kick out of each other. Yup... really enjoying the show!

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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On 7/4/2014 TrailBlazer05 said:
On 7/4/2014 Double-D said: I started watching but seeing Lisa acting like a mummy, afraid her hair is going to move, I cracked up!! Then when she started about ordering for herself, channel turned.

Your post made me LOL! LR does seems to move like a mummy come to think of it. It's like she's afraid her hair will fall or something will come out of place. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Well, LisaR is held together with spit and scotch tape. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Elizabeth03, I agree with you. I've often thought the same thing.

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Your hubby watches the Q with you?

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On 7/4/2014 Q4u said:

I'm really enjoying this show too! With all the hair placement and waist straightening that Lisa's been doing, calling out "get one for me" made her actually look comfortable! I don't mind Lisa at all but wish she'd dress down a little more, you know, quit the extensions, tone down the make up, wear things she won't pull at and just be comfortable! And I was thinking how good Carolyn looked considering she admitted she's SO tired.

Love how much they're laughing and getting a kick out of each other. Yup... really enjoying the show!

Funny you should post that, cause I've often thought the same. Wish LR would just tone down the look sometimes and just be relaxed and comfortable in her own skin. She always looks so "fixed".

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On 7/4/2014 Q4u said:

I'm really enjoying this show too! With all the hair placement and waist straightening that Lisa's been doing, calling out "get one for me" made her actually look comfortable! I don't mind Lisa at all but wish she'd dress down a little more, you know, quit the extensions, tone down the make up, wear things she won't pull at and just be comfortable! And I was thinking how good Carolyn looked considering she admitted she's SO tired.

Love how much they're laughing and getting a kick out of each other. Yup... really enjoying the show!

I really like Lisa too. She makes shopping fun and I appreciate how she makes sure she is put together every day. If you are going to be on t/v, come into people's homes and want people to think you are creditable, you shouldn't look like you shop at Macy's. I want you to step it up. Just my humble opinion.

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Registered: ‎10-18-2012
On 7/4/2014 brewhaha said:

Your hubby watches the Q with you?

He fell asleep. LOL.

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Registered: ‎10-18-2012

The fireworks have started. I need to turn up the volume.

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It amuses me how these southwest pieces can look so much better with Lisa hosting than if anyone else was hosting the same items!?! How is that?? Lol.

I just cringe when LR is changing out pieces and then throws the pieces like they're junk!! Eeek! You can hear the jewelry hitting the box or the table depending on where she's throwing them. At least treat jewelry like it's quality even though it may not be your style. Thousands of people are paying for these items with their hard earned money and to hear and see them being thrown around makes me turn my head and want to mute the TV.