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Re: A Day of Vicenza Style= a day full of BRONZO!!!

On 9/25/2014 funwun said:
On 9/25/2014 stevieb said:

Oh for heaven's sake Lisa, can we give this whole fable of that buyer 'calling in favors' a serious, serious break? It's gotten absolutely, absolutely tedious...

Lol!!! It's funny, isn't it??! I've missed most of the shows today and am only checking in online...I can't bear the dialogue between host and buyer lol!!

Hey fun... thankfully he wasn't actually on the last show, the only one I watched a significant portion of... but yes, the host to buyer repartee leaves much to be desired...


In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: A Day of Vicenza Style= a day full of BRONZO!!!

On 9/25/2014 JBinRWC said:

Not for me. And why has LR suddenly reappeared to do the final show? Thought she was gone for the whole week. Spare me. Vicenza stylie - not what I think of when Brono is the jewelry offered. Waste of a day IMO.

I think I read where she kicked it off last night, so I guess she wasn't gone the whole week... As for 'Vicenza', they've surely diluted that brand in a bid and most unfortunate way... Whenever they do these Vicenza days anymore, it's the same items over and over and most of them are sure as heck not 'fine Italian jewelry'. Not anymore.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: A Day of Vicenza Style= a day full of BRONZO!!!

Complaining a little late, aren't we ?? The day is over !

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Re: A Day of Vicenza Style= a day full of BRONZO!!!

My mother taught me how to recognize real jewelry. I haven't seen any today. Status? Classics? heirlooms? No!

Bronze is made of copper, tin, zinc, lead, nickel, arsenic, aluminum, phosphorus, manganese. Look it up! And, when the bronze oxidizes there's an entity called "bronze disease" in store for the wearers.

Ever see what happens to a bronze statue? verdigris.

Perhaps the couture designers don't mind being copied but I have a problem with stealing an idea from the majestic Masai, imitating it poorly with metal of no value. Just call it costume jewelry and sell it as so. Why spend an entire day trying to make it something it can never be? If we ever wondered how far they'd go to sell the product now we know. For a while I wondered if I was in the Twilight zone and perturbed by something every one else accepts. Thanks for your comments ! I thought perhaps it was the cost of gold or the recent increase in silver that limited the ability to offer jewelry on QVC. Now the motivation seems sinister.

I have to compliment the hosts on their beautiful gowns and makeup but Vincenza (sp?) has come to mean something other than what I saw today and they only seemed embarrassingly overdressed. Has GILI displaced Vincenza. ( I did look it up it isn't in the dictionary so please forgive the misspelling) Why can't anyone else get all dressed up and go to Italy to the worlds jewelry show? Might brass, excuse me bronze have something to do with it? or is it personalities and their influence ?

How easily they destroy a reputation twenty plus years in the making.

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Re: A Day of Vicenza Style= a day full of BRONZO!!!

On 9/25/2014 JBinRWC said:

Not for me. And why has LR suddenly reappeared to do the final show? Thought she was gone for the whole week. Spare me. Vicenza stylie - not what I think of when Brono is the jewelry offered. Waste of a day IMO.

They often bring Lisa in as the ""closer"" on jewelry days. Especially when it's Vicenza and she can do her Italian thing and wear gowns.
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Re: A Day of Vicenza Style= a day full of BRONZO!!!

On 9/25/2014 rosaria said:

I didn't see any of this jewelry when I was in Italy last summer, so don't understand why they are saying that its all over Italy. I am so not into all this costume jewelry, I love real gold jewelry, 14k or 18k

rosaria ... I could not agree with you more. My DH and I just returned from Italy on September 12th. We didn't see any of this jewelry there either... which I agree is costume jewelry. Also, the gold standard in Italy is 18k gold. Maria

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Re: A Day of Vicenza Style= a day full of BRONZO!!!

On 9/25/2014 rosaria said:

I didn't see any of this jewelry when I was in Italy last summer, so don't understand why they are saying that its all over Italy. I am so not into all this costume jewelry, I love real gold jewelry, 14k or 18k

I have a friend from Italy and she said Italian women would never wear bronzo. She said bronzo is what is sold as super cheap costume. Q is giving us a load of malarky about it.

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Re: A Day of Vicenza Style= a day full of BRONZO!!!

I travel to Italy four times a year on business for the fashion Industry and have never come across Bronzo Italia. I see the same manufacturers every time and no one is wearing Bronzo; they've heard of it, but think it's some lkind of joke the Americans are playing on each other.
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Re: A Day of Vicenza Style= a day full of BRONZO!!!

Lisa's gown last night was absolutely absolutely gorgeous gorgeous and what the Italians are wearing, but so over kill for a costume jewelry show on a Thursdaiy on a Thursday night.
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Re: A Day of Vicenza Style= a day full of BRONZO!!!

Um, I think the whole point of introducing Bronzo Italia is because the majority of viewers are not willing to pay the prices of 14k or 18k. QVC has apparently found a way to please the majority of the people. If anyone seriously prefers more 14k or 18k shows, you should probably write to Corporate to make that request. If they get enough feedback maybe they will have more of those shows.