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Registered: ‎06-26-2014

Seems like every year at this time I get on a roll making several of "the same things."


One year it was pot holders.

Last year it was aprons made from apron panels. I actually sold a few of those at a small craft fair.


This year I've got a couple items I've made in multiples. We adopted a rat terrier and I've been making fleece doggie jackets for her as it's getting cold now.


And since my ice skates seem to be multiplying I've also been using fleece and terrycloth to make blade soakers; these are covers that go over the blades to soak up the moisture so they don't rust. Some of my skating friends both young and older will also be the recipients of soakers

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Registered: ‎06-26-2014

@151949 wrote:

@brandiwine wrote:

I just treated myself to a Brother embroidery machine and I'm playing with mylar designs. on sweatshirts and embroidery on hand towels.  Love the sparkle of the mylar.  I'm also making the microwave bowl holders.  Trying new sizes for larger casserole dishes.  Happy creating

I am having a bit of a hard time understanding how to get my new Brother machine to do all the fancy stitches it is supposed to do.I have been practicing with it today and finally got it to zig zag and do the shell stitch, but it took a long time to get that far.I need to learn how to use the buttonholer.

@151949 I bought a computerized Singer from HSN a few years ago and I still can't figure out to use that dang buttonholer. It's automatic but my brain just cannot figure out the placement to create the holes so they start and end in the right place consistantly. To me, the holer moves backwards.


So I go back to my trusty Bernina purchased in1983 where I have to manually move a dial around to make the buttonhole. But it works.

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Posts: 51
Registered: ‎04-07-2015

I am die hard Bernina, but I did take a BabyLock Serger seminar (3 day) and it was a very sweeeeeeet machine.  Fancy Schmancy.  Auto threader was the best. 

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Posts: 488
Registered: ‎04-06-2010

I am so pleased to see this topic, and a craft topic would be nice, too. I don't sew as much as I used to when kids were young. I am making some decorative pillows to go in guest room that we recently reecorated.  We put floral wallpaper on one wall behind the bed, and I was lucky to find 3 different fabrics that co-ordinated with the wallpaper. It is a cottage look, and so far, looks pretty good. Keep sewing!!!


So many little time!!

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Registered: ‎05-27-2014

Re: sewing projects

[ Edited ]



I need to return to my sewing roots. Tell me more about sewing clubs. I haven't heard of anything like it where I live but the idea sounds wonderful. 



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Sewing club - where I live a bunch of ladies who all enjoyed sewing - crochet and knitting and embroidery / crosstitch decided to form a club.For a while they met in a clubhouse at someones plan but they quickly outgrew that, and now we meet at a church hall on wed mornings for which we pay nominal rent so we have to each pay $5/month or $60/year to cover the hall rent. When you first join you get the first year free to be sure you like it and want to continue to come.Any money left at the end of the year we donate to the church. One of the ladies takes care of the money - I think everyone now pays by the year as that is easier for her. You bring your project from home and whatever you need to work on it like a sewing machine or whatever.We have asked the church if they could find us a cabinet where we could leave some things there and we would pay additional for that but thus far they haven't found anything for us. It has now expanded into some ladies doing crafts like making cards, coloring, all sorts of stuff. It is great to see what other ladies are doing, and if you hit a snag there is always someone there to help you. So far we don't have any men, and in the spirit of the building we are using the priest comes in & starts us off with a prayer. It is a time I greatly enjoy each week. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Since my quilt is done I have spent the past few days learning how to use my new brother machine.I can now do all the stitches it has built in and I am about to start trying to figure out how to use the bottonholer.I'm having a good time with it. It does make me sad when I look at my 25 yr old Singer sitting in the corner. She & i have spent many hours together over the years, but the ease of the new machines in comparison , OY. I am planning to take the old machine up to camp with me next summer. I can sit and sew out on the picnic table.It will be fun to have my sewing room be outside.