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Registered: ‎12-23-2015

has anyone tried opal apples? bought them last week on sale for 1.99. we just ate some and they are soooo good. never saw these apples before.

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Are they crisp and sweet ? I always bought red delish. And so many have been kind of flavorless, kind of mushy, and not sweet like they used to be.

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Registered: ‎12-23-2015

yes there are nice and sweet and crunchy. i dont like a mushy tastless wife took a bite and looked at me and said wow thats a really good tasting apple.

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Our local Sprouts had them right around Thanksgiving. The Produce man cut one up and gave a piece to some of us and it was delicious, so I bought some. Tasted a lot like a very crunchy Golden Delicious. Haven't seen them since though!


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Yes!  They are lovely.   The season seems to be quite short but my favorite grocery store will have them.   I'm hoping to grab some before they are gone again, as I haven't had any since last year.

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Yes - they are delicious! I used them in an apple almond cake for Christmas dessert, and they are very good for baking too.

This is a wonderful and easy recipe if you love almonds:


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Posts: 3,111
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Found them at Walmart yesterday and bought a few. Wow...are they sweet!  So delicious.They are golden yellow and are a Golden Delicious crossed with a Topaz apple. We all thought that they almost taste like a pear. I read online that these apples are so new that they are still known by their experimental number (UEB32642). They are non-GMO and resist oxidation, so they are less likely to brown once you cut into them.

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