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I'm tired of buying bottled water. we recycle the bottles, but we fill up a huge recycle bag with water bottles about every week and a half and there's just 2 of us in our household. it's just such a waste. so I'm thinking of buying a water filter and would really appreciate your input if you have one. I don't know what would be better, the kind you attach to the water faucet ( either directly on the faucet or under the sink) or the kind that filters water in a container and is kept in the fridge.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: do you use a water filter?

I can't use a faucet attachment because of my faucet type. I use a Soma water pitcher, it's a glass pitcher, does not filter through plastic, the filters automatically ship every 60 days and they are recyclable. Have been using it for a year, I love it.

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Re: do you use a water filter?

Hello! Yes, we have a three stage under the counter OMNI water filter upstairs in the kitchen, and a pure water filter attached to the faucet down stairs.
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Re: do you use a water filter?

NYC water tastes fine unfiltered. I have used a Brita filter into pitcher in the past. The filter gets changed every so often and the slim fit pitcher fits in the fridge door. I now have a built in waterline in the fridge that uses PUR. I have to run the water every morning. It tastes funky when it sits. It was like that from day 1. This is my first fridge with a tap do I don't know if that is the norm. I goggled and many others have the same problem and not the same fridge. I have copper tubes and overnight it tastes like plastic. Has to be the internal stuff and not my piping.

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Re: do you use a water filter?

My son just moved into his first apartment. He drinks A LOT of water and was tired of buying bottled water. We happened to be at Costco and he decided to buy a Brita water pitcher. We also bought a 10-pack of replacement filters. He has been using his Brita for about one month now and says the water tastes just as good or even better than the bottled water he used to buy. HTH
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Re: do you use a water filter?

I live by the reservoir that supplies all of NYC's water, the Ashokan. But we use mountain water and must use water filters. We are fighting hydro fracking here because we depend on the aquifer. I buy bottled water for my allergic dog, also.

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Re: do you use a water filter?

Our tap water is nasty. A lot of the time it has a strong chlorine smell and at times has a yellow color to it. The water company always says the yellow color is the reserve tanks dipping below a certain level. Still doesn't make me feel safe. We have a Brita pitcher that we have used for several years. Love it and we drink lots of water!

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Re: do you use a water filter?

If you want the best tasting water ever, buy the ZERO water pitcher or dispenser. It comes with a tester so you will be able to find out how many impurities are in your water and bottled water. It's amazing how many impurities are in the water we drink and we buy in those bad plastic bottles. My water at home tested for 230 impurities, the ZERO water tested 0, when it goes through their filter. I purchased mine' which is the largest dispenser at BB&Beyond for $39.95 and then used the 20% off coupon. The pitcher was $34.95 but holds much less water than the dispenser, which you can put in your refrigerator.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: do you use a water filter?

I had the complete system installed in my house by a certified plumbing company two years ago. You can drink water from any faucet in my home. I only buy bottle water and keep in the trunk of my car for on the road.
Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: do you use a water filter?

I had used a Brita pitcher for years, but as it is a 1-step filter it was not actually getting rid of the nasty taste of my water - or the rust in the pipes :-(. Recently I ordered an OKO bottle filter from Amazon, with an extra filter. More expensive than Brita but no more expensive than Zero (which I have read gets very expensive because of multiple filter changes). I have been surprised to note no bad taste (the OKO is a 2-step filter), and a significant improvement over Brita. I will be buying another one for the office. The company offers 1, 2 and I believe 3-stage filters in different sized devices.
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