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When do you take your decorations down?

We have an HOA that says all decoration must be down within 2 weeks of  new years so by Jan 15. However, we always take ours down on the 2 or 3 anyway. When I was still working we got our birthday off as a holiday and mine is jan 5 so I often would use that day to undecorate. BTW - i always thought that getting one's birthday off was a great benefit.

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Re: When do you take your decorations down?

Probablly next weekend - only have a 4 foot tree up - so no problems this year. 

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Re: When do you take your decorations down?

After Epiphany, January 6th. 

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Re: When do you take your decorations down?

We take everything down after New Years.

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Re: When do you take your decorations down?

I switch the Christmas decorations to winter decorations so its not a huge project.  Usually right after new years.  I keep the white lights on the mantle up until spring and just change the Christmas garland to pinecones.  Santa goes away and snowmen take his place. 

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When we did lights and such it was anytime after New Years, usually the weather dictated exactly when.  We are snowing again.   I like snow, but I don't prefer it to all fall in one week.  Smiley Happy

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I went with a more winter theme than Christmas.  I may leave it up through January.

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Re: When do you take your decorations down?

The Christmas season ends on January 6th, so we don't take our decorations down until Jan 7 or a few days later, because I love the how my home looks during the holidays.

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Re: When do you take your decorations down?

My mother's tradition was after the feast of the Epiphany. 

My corporation observes MLK's birthday so I keep my holiday decor up until that long weekend (usually mid January).



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Re: When do you take your decorations down?

Anything "red" is still good for Valentine's Day......and the "green stuff" is good until St. Patrick's Day..........

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