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Absolutely!  It has drawers and a bottom shelf.  Can't imagine not having one!

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@ninjawife    Your post triggered a memory for me!   We also had no coffee table when I was little.  The living room was the only space on the main floor where my brother and I played board games or set up the erector set, etc. 


I bet my mother chose that over sending us upstairs to play so she could step in easily and check on us.Never saw an open concept house in those days.


Today?   My own livingroom is small-  sofa, 2 chairs opposite and table between.  It's never known coffee, but it's a coffee table no matter.

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Yes.  I do have a large living room so a large coffee table works.  

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I do and pretty much always have. Remove the coffee table and see how you feel about it...does the area feel bare and naked? Ha! Also, if you do end up getting rid of it, make sure that then the couch has a side table or something on both ends for people to sit their drink on. That's my thinking, anyway. 

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Yes, we have coffee tables (wine tables) in front of our sofas in the living room, computer room and the back porch! Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-26-2010 of first pieces of furniture DH and I purchased when we were married along with sofa.  On our third sofa now but the coffee table remains....still looks good....solid wood....sentimentally attached I guess.....bottom line...I like it. 

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Yes I use mine.   Need it for TV remote, iced tea and cell phone when I am in that room.

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No.  I have reclining sofas.

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Nope. Rectangular foot stool