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Re: When Buying a New Major Appliance...

I haven't except on my Samsung french door fridge (bought 3 year extended) as it was big $$ what a waste of $$.  Why?  It didn't cover ice maker which broke at 14 months,if I recall correctly.  


I got tired of "fighting" and refused to pay $349 to have their service people fix it with only 90 day warranty on part and 30 day on labor.


I can't wait until the day it dies ...will never buy Samsung again.


Guess it depends on the "fine print" which I certainly never read the clause: "ice maker or mechanism not covered" plus salesperson suggested I buy it ... 🤷‍♀️🙄

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Re: When Buying a New Major Appliance...



We do not usually buy warranties for appliances or jewelry.  We can find local repairmen who are very reasonable and can fix most appliances.  We usually use things until they wear out! 


However, we do have a service contract for our heating system.  The company will come out and check and clean and fix the equipment yearly and as needed.


For jewelry, the timelines are always too short for the cost.


Once we did buy a warranty for a used car, and it provided three extra years of mechanic service.

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Re: When Buying a New Major Appliance...

I buy all my appliances and electronics at Best Buy and have their warranty that covers everything.  I feel it's a good deal. 

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Re: When Buying a New Major Appliance...

When we remodeled our kitchen and purchased a frig, beverage frig and dishwasher, they threw in a microwave and 5 year warranty.  For big appliances YES or try to work a package.  Especially on a frig.  
For our $200 extra freezer, no.  

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Re: When Buying a New Major Appliance...

No, Never, but I pay for a warranty that covers all of my appliances and systems in my home. I will not list the name of the company, because QVC would probably consider it advertising and delete the response. 


The Warranty has helped pay for the following repairs in my home, refrigerator, washing machine, hot water heater, garbage disposal, AC and furnace. I pay a deductible whenever  a contractor is sent out but it has been well worth it for me.  


The only item that I paid extra on, besides the deductible would be the hot water heat, since the contractor that was sent out had to perform extra work to bring it up to code after installation.

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Re: When Buying a New Major Appliance...

For President's Day there are sales everywhere and a friend purchased a GE side by side for $1740.  No extended warranty purchased.  I realize that sometimes refrigerators break down during non holiday sales and that is a major disappointment to have to shell out $3500 for a replacement.  But, the price per year for a warranty might in fact exceed the cost of bringing in a handyman to repair it.  Not sure of course as I've never had a refrigerator break down and prices would vary by location. 

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Re: When Buying a New Major Appliance...

For the fridge, yes.  Other appliances, no.

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Re: When Buying a New Major Appliance...




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Re: When Buying a New Major Appliance...

No. These warranties are pure profit for the companies selling them. 
My neighbor had an extended warranty on a fridge. It stopped working and the repair company spent six weeks ordering different parts that never fixed the  problem. 
The neighbor got tired of waiting and bought a new fridge. 

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Posts: 16,402
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Re: When Buying a New Major Appliance...

Never bought one for anything except for the second used car I bought.  Really can’t say why I made that decision because I drove the previous used buy another 100,000 miles and I was buying the same brand ten years later.  Turned out to be useful - a major repair cost twice my premium.


Might start to investigate warranties for new purchases because I don’t believe we ourselves cause most of the problems with today’s appliances -  way too many are “born bad.”