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Re: What Store Do You Recommend to Purchase Carpet?

I've heard too many horror stories from places like Lowes and Home Depot, but I'm sure quality and workmanship varies by region, but they would be my last choice. 


I suggest using a more locally owned higher end flooring store. We do, and while it isn't cheap, I get such expert service (third generation coming into the business), great customer service, very helpful and they have a lifetime in the business, not just a job they got last year. The current folks are in their 50's and grew up in this business. They know the past, what is new, what brands are still good, and which ones are just resting on their laurels.  There is much more selection in this store than at a big box, and higher quality lines. 


So I'd advise to look for something local in your area like that first.

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Re: What Store Do You Recommend to Purchase Carpet?

@Havarti wrote:

I am pleasantly shocked to see all the positive reviews/comments for Empire.  I had always heard horrible things about them (years ago) and a delighted to hear how happy everyone is with their quality, service and pricing.  Thanks for sharing!


Yes I"m surprised about that too. I would never have considered them, seeing them as a low end installer and low end brands, but good to know others have had a good experience.

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Re: What Store Do You Recommend to Purchase Carpet?

Just used Home Depot for new carpet in finished basement & stairs from kitchen to basement. Positive experience from beginning to end. No complaints. Only time will tell on how well it holds up. 

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Re: What Store Do You Recommend to Purchase Carpet?

None.  I've not had carpet for maybe 35 years.  The thought sqeeves me out and I'm anything but a clean freak. We have laminate and its the easiest thing to keep clean, just use a Swiffer pad.  

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Re: What Store Do You Recommend to Purchase Carpet?

I love a good price as much as the next person but I want the pros on my side for this type of purchase. We went out this past summer to a local carpet store. Because we have a small home, we were able to buy off a roll in the back room. Took 4 sample pieces home, choose one, had the guy out to measure, and we are so happy with their service. The store is local and they stand behind the product and installation. I don't think you can go wrong with a pro.

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Re: What Store Do You Recommend to Purchase Carpet?

UPDATE:  When we were at my brother's home for a New Year's Eve party I asked who they used for their carpeting.  They told me they used the local carpet store in town.  They said they were very satisfied.


I called the carpet store a few days later and mentioned that my brother and sister-in-law recommended him and asked if they would come out our way (as we live about 25 miles from my brother).  He said yes they would come out our way and he told me to thank my brother and sister-in-law for the recommendation.


We had some bad weather so we did not make it to the store until February.  He's the only person at the store.  He said his daughter had helped out with the phones previously, but she has MS and is no longer able to assist so he runs the store by himself and has his own crew for installation.


He was super knowledgeable, very patient, had a huge selection, etc.  He came to our house to measure a few days later early in the morning before the store opened and called a few days ago to set the date to have the carpet installed.   


I did not get any estimates from anyone else, but I felt the price was about what I had expected.


So far, dealing with the local carpet store seems to have been a good decision for me.  He said he does no advertising, all his business is from recommendations.


I give another update once the carpet gets installed (a week from this Friday).    Can't wait!!!!

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Re: What Store Do You Recommend to Purchase Carpet?


Good for you and congratulations on your new carpet.  Sounds like you trusted your gut and did not bother wasting your time getting bids from other salespeople.  Instead, you went with a local pro that takes pride.

Thank you for supporting local business.

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Re: What Store Do You Recommend to Purchase Carpet?

I found the most beautiful piece of remnant - was a black with sparkly silver in it.... I always liked off the wall stuff....sorry I don't have a store for you. Wish you fun tho.

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Re: What Store Do You Recommend to Purchase Carpet?

Another Update:   Love my carpet - it was installed last Friday.  It makes my home seem so fresh, bright and new!  It's a light gray with striations of a slightly darker gray.  There are also a few flecks of beige. See below picture.  My walls are dark gray and I have some beige tiles that go along the side of the room to the front door.


The owner called me the day the carpet was installed to be certain everything went well.


I asked if he could make a throw rug for me if I brought in the carpet roll of extra carpet.  He said he would bind if for me and add rubber to the bottom.  No charge for the labor and just pay for the rubber backing.  I told him that was so nice of him.  He said we were very pleasant / good customers and he's glad to do it.


Below is a picture of the carpet:


Image result for fabrica beverly hills coldwater canyon

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Registered: ‎04-06-2010

Re: What Store Do You Recommend to Purchase Carpet?

Your carpet is beautiful. I'm thinking you will love having it. We also went with a local business last fall and are so glad we did. Had been putting off replacing old carpet as we knew prices would put us over budget. When we actually went into the store, we found the room in back with huge remnant rolls. Whittled it down to four rolls. They cut us a small piece of each and put the price on the back.we took them home and looked at them in different light. Because we got a good price, we got the higher priced padding. They did a terrific job installing and we paid extra to have them move a couple very heavy pieces of furniture that we couldn't move out of the rooms. New carpeting makes our newly remodeled rooms look so beautiful and I am very happy with our purchase with a local business.