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Well, playing cards last weekend,

we got to talking about this game we played at the table growing up.


Do you remember Tripoli, with chips? Well, we just ordered all that today, and maybe we can play it this weekend.


I'm now thinking chess and checkers.  Something we can play besides t.v. or the computer and something we can do inside to occupy us.  (I'm not coloring this year).  Maybe next year, I'll go back to the puzzles too.  


How about you and table games.  Good at checkers, or chess? Remember Tripoli?

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Re: Well, playing cards last weekend,

When we were at home we were doing homework or my Mom would find something to occupy us like dusting or ironing.Needless to say - we didn't stay in the house any more than necessary.We knew where the door was & how to use it.Our parents mostly only saw the backs of our heads.

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Re: Well, playing cards last weekend,




I do! We played “Tripoli” and also “Michigan!”

in college I played euchre with my besties!

What fun times!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Well, playing cards last weekend,





I do! We played “Tripoli” and also “Michigan!”

in college I played euchre with my besties!

What fun times!

@LTT1, We played Euchre last weekend with my sister and Bro in law.

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Re: Well, playing cards last weekend,


we got to talking about this game we played at the table growing up.


Do you remember Tripoli, with chips? Well, we just ordered all that today, and maybe we can play it this weekend.


I'm now thinking chess and checkers.  Something we can play besides t.v. or the computer and something we can do inside to occupy us.  (I'm not coloring this year).  Maybe next year, I'll go back to the puzzles too.  


How about you and table games.  Good at checkers, or chess? Remember Tripoli?

I loved playing Tripoli with my sister and her husband - my husband also.  We played for pennies and had the best time unfortunately they (sister and her husband) have passed away.  Have fun - you’ll love it.

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Re: Well, playing cards last weekend,

I played Tripoli a lot with my best friend in high school with her parents (mine weren't into playing board games).


I also played euchre quite a bit.  Until about 5 years ago, I would sub for a group of 6 couples who played once a month.  The group quit playing as some lost interest, retired, divorced, etc.  

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Re: Well, playing cards last weekend,

I remember Tripoli, but we didn't have that one, nor do I remember playing it.


We were big on board games both in my childhood and in my son's. 


I still love board games, but it's like pulling teeth to get anyone to play them here anymore. When my son was little we would turn off the cable every summer, and after the outside work was done, we spent a lot of time reading and playing board games in the evenings (his dad worked evenings and it was just the two of us).


Those, along with my childhood memories of playing those games (many I still have and used with my son) are certainly great! 


Thanks for the reminder.

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Re: Well, playing cards last weekend,

I don't know Tripoli. Monopoly and Scrabble were my faves. Now, I often do sudoku puzzles in between playing with our cats,practicing and playing piano, and reading. 

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Re: Well, playing cards last weekend,

i have not heard of tripoli, but i will be looking it up.

we do enjoy playing card games and board games and have a nice collection..... we enjoy.....


apples to apples




trivial pursuit....we have a number of different editions

wits and wagers



yahtzee and so many more


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Re: Well, playing cards last weekend,

I played it at my neighbors one night and had so much fun that I ordered it from QVC.