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Washing machines without agitators

My washing machine is almost 13 years old.  I'm thinking of replacing it with a washing machine that doesn't have an agitator in the middle of the tub.  I am constantly tearing my hand up reaching in for the clothes.  Does anyone have one of these and how well does it clean your clothes, and would you buy one again?  Thanks.

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Re: Washing machines without agitators

I had a Whirlpool Cabrio washer without and agitator it lasted 2 years.   Maybe I got a lemon but in my opinion it is a piece of junk.  I didn't work right.  I hated that washing machine. Also the machine was not cheap.  I will never buy anything with Whirlpool on it.  Hopefully others will respond to your post with a better recommendation that a Whirlpool Cabrio.

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Re: Washing machines without agitators

[ Edited ]

I love my Kenmore  Elite front load! It saves lots of water, does huge loads and cleans and spin dries so great. I will never return to a top load with an agitator. It is 10 years old with no problems.  My last washer was a top load by Kenmore that lasted 15 years trouble free. 

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Re: Washing machines without agitators

When my RCA Whirlpool broke down, I got new high end GE washer and dryer. The washer is a top load w/o the agitator. It has worked quite well. Has sensors to adjust the amount of water used. DH says it sounds like an alien space ship when it is running. 

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Re: Washing machines without agitators

I just had to buy a new washer before Christmas. I got the Whirlpool Cabrio. I didn't know that was it's name. I've only had it for a month, but I like it just fine. It is big, which I love. My dryer didn't get any bigger (LOL) so if I can't line dry, it takes a couple of loads to dry everything I washed, if I did a big load. It took me a few tries to figure out the best cycles to use, but it's just fine. Cleans well & spins the laundry out fairly dry. I use my homemade laundry detergent in it. I hope mine lasts longer than 2 years. I paid around $440 for mine at Home Depot, on sale. It's at $478 right now. Good luck.

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Re: Washing machines without agitators

@StylishLady wrote:

When my RCA Whirlpool broke down, I got new high end GE washer and dryer. The washer is a top load w/o the agitator. It has worked quite well. Has sensors to adjust the amount of water used. DH says it sounds like an alien space ship when it is running. 

Oh yeah. My Whirlpool sounds like a space ship, too!

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Re: Washing machines without agitators

[ Edited ]

I have a GE toploader w/o the agitator.  I don't like it at all.    I don't think it cleans as well nor does it rinse well.     If I could afford to purchase a new washer with an agitator I would.    This one's still going strong though. I think it's about 6 years old.


Mine sounds like a space ship too. lol

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Re: Washing machines without agitators

I had a washer that had 2 side agitators. It was the worst piece of junk I ever owned. The clothes were always twisted and balled up on the sides of the machine so it ruined clothes. That caused the machine to be unbalanced so it would stop during the rinse cycle and I'd have to try to untwist and pull the sopping wet clothes apart. Nothing but a big PITA!

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Re: Washing machines without agitators

I have a samsung washer without the agitator and I hate it, I had it for 18 months now.  The main thing I don't like about is the rinse cycle.  If I have sheets or towels in it, the machine keeps rinsing because it is's trying to even out the load.  My drum is deep and I'm short and trying to get everything out I have to keep turning the drum so the clothes are directly in my reach.  Also all the clothing get twisted.   I don't think I'd buy one with out the agitator again.

I had a front loader (10 yrs old)  before and it broke and I thought the cost to repair it.  I'd buy another front loader again.

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Re: Washing machines without agitators

@Mssnoopyz wrote:

I have a samsung washer without the agitator and I hate it, I had it for 18 months now.  The main thing I don't like about is the rinse cycle.  If I have sheets or towels in it, the machine keeps rinsing because it is's trying to even out the load.  My drum is deep and I'm short and trying to get everything out I have to keep turning the drum so the clothes are directly in my reach.  Also all the clothing get twisted.   I don't think I'd buy one with out the agitator again.

I had a front loader (10 yrs old)  before and it broke and I thought the cost to repair it.  I'd buy another front loader again.



I have a Maytag front Loader (Neptune) and it does the same darn thing.  Not to mention I had to have the inner drum replaced because of the black mold that formed on the gasket.  They did a recall and replaced it for free, but it still has some kind of black residue around it -- but at least it doesn't smell. 


Everything always balls and bunches and twists.  When this one goes, think I'm going back to a manual hand wringer!