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Are there any negatives?


I sure like the look much better than what I have, but was wondering if they are a pain to clean or otherwise difficult.


I haven't chosen materials yet.   I have the drop-in type sink and the area where the sink meets the countertop is a bear to keep clean.  Undermount looks so neat & finished.


undermount sink.jpeg

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Love my undermount sinks in the kitchen and bathrooms.  Wouldn't chose any other.


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We are remodeling a condo and I just selected two bathroom and kitchen sink where the bowl of the sink is molded into the top. I just moved from my home that I had put the same type sink in, they are fabulous nothing to clean in  around or under they are one integeral unit.

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Very easy to keep clean for me.

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Registered: ‎06-08-2016

@Nitefall wrote:

We are remodeling a condo and I just selected two bathroom and kitchen sink where the bowl of the sink is molded into the top. I just moved from my home that I had put the same type sink in, they are fabulous nothing to clean in  around or under they are one integeral unit.




I'm considering that as well.    A lot of it will come down to price & availability.


one piece sink countertop.jpg

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I don't have this style, and have really never seen one up close and personal, but from the picture, I would be concerned with that lip underside of the counter, and how it meets the sink bowl, how it is sealed against leaking, and how much gunk can accumulate unseen if you don't pay really good attention to cleaning under that lip.


Just my thoughts and some things you might want to consider.

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The vanity in our bathroom has a molded sink in the same material and color.  Since it seamless it is very easy to clean.  Much easier then the undermount sinks I have in my kitchen which aren't seamless. The only thing is that it is a faux granite, but has held up very well after ten years.  





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They don't all necessarily have a lip around the perimeter.  Some may be cut to fit more exactly.   (Or you can get the ones that are molded directly into the countertop, as was mentioned.)


As long as you make sure the sealant is intact, you should have no issues, especially in the bathroom where very hot items aren't going into the sink as they may be in the kitchen.  Of course, with ceramic and most similar materials, that wouldn't be an issue anyway.


I only mention it because I have an undermount stainless steel kitchen sink and the installation and care instructions included a warning not to put hot pots directly from the stove into the sink.  It's due, of course, to the expansion and contraction of the metal with temperature changes.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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They look great, but make sure you have them installed professionally.  


We have undermounts in the kitchen and one bathroom.  Our house is 10 years old and last Thanksgiving my husband placed the turkey in our kitchen sink to rinse it before roasting and the sink fell in.  What a mess!  We ended up rinsing the turkey in the shower using the hand held sprayer.  With the holiday weekend it took days to get someone to come to fix it.


A few months later we learned that they had to shut down the new Olive Garden Restaurant in our city for a couple of days because the newly installed undermount sinks in the kitchen and restrooms came down.


Correct installation is so important with these sinks.



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Registered: ‎05-01-2010

Have had my kitchen sink (stainless deep bowl) for about 7 years. Sink pretty much matches the granite seamlessly. Not much lip, a tiny bit in a few places.