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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

I love exposed brick, ductwork. I do like some color. I could move into 2. Even darker like 4 but I would have more than brown, maybe a rich dark blue or green sofa. Even purple.
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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

I love the look of most.  Very dramatic looking and hip!  However what I don't like is having no window converings on many of those large windows.  I would feel like I didn't have any privacy particulary at night!

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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

Something just clicked reading upthread.  Industrial looks too much like a basement/cellar to me.


I am not fond of basements/cellars.  (They are for snakes, spiders and other creepy crawlers.)  Basements=just say no!


So even if the loft/apartment/condo is 30 floors above grade, I still feel like a spider would make it's way up the pipes/ductwork/exposed brick.


So it's not that I don't like your taste!  I'm just too afraid of *loosely built* industrial looking places.



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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

What an amazing interior. Each one looks crisp and classy. I especially love 1,3,6,8 styles.

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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

@faeriemoon , very interesting!  Some of these spaces really need some art.  LM