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Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...


Image result for cozy,comfortable loft industrial living room


Image result for cozy,comfortable loft industrial living room


Image result for cozy,comfortable loft industrial living room


Image result for cozy,comfortable loft industrial living room


Image result for cozy,comfortable loft industrial living room


Image result for cozy,comfortable loft industrial living room


Image result for cozy,comfortable loft industrial living room


Image result for cozy,comfortable loft industrial living room


There are elements in all of these that I like.  I think my favorites might be 1, 4, or 5.

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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

I like several of the spaces, don't like most of the elements. For me, I like the juxtaposition of more traditional pieces mixed with a few more modern pieces in these kinds of spaces. I also would probably prefer a bit more color.

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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

2 and 4 are my favorites. They are industrial with warmth.

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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

In number 1 is that a chair to the left of the picutre??  very uncomfortable if it is

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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

No. Never liked the "loft" style.  Too open and cold.  Give me a couple of walls.  And don't like the exposed ductwork.



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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

In number 5, which I like, the mirror looks too low for me...very nice otherwise.

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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...



You speak my language! I like all the rooms pictured with the exception of #3. It reminds me of a basement. Even though I have been toying with the idea of painting my entire condo white, #7 might just be a bit too white for my taste.


#4 looks exactly like my former office, before relocating. All the exterior walls were brick with huge cathedral windows. 

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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

These rooms just don't give me the warm fuzzies, so no.  Can you imagine the power bill to keep those gigantic rooms warm/ cool?

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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE most of them.  The ones I don't love can be adjusted ever so slightly so that I do!   LOVE.

Thank you for a wonderful post.  So cool.

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Re: Time for an industrial fix. Some comfortable living rooms...

Picture numbers 2 and 4 have appeal because they look warm and inviting. However, over all,  this style is not my taste and  I wouldn't want to live in that type environment.