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@ScrapHappy Personally, no, I wouldn't tip them, though I would offer them basic refreshments... coffee, water, soda, maybe cookies... Most tradesmen these days are making a decent wage and, as you note, you paid for the carpet and installation already.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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I think the tipping thing is regional.  People in my part of the country don't tip workers who are paid a living wage by their employers.  I tip food servers and my hairdresser but nobody else, nor do they expect it.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Why do people feel they have to give workers their lunch? They will either go buy lunch or will have brought a cooler with their lunch in it. 



@151949, maybe I misunderstand but I thought the poster meant that the tip she gave them would help pay for their lunch at a fast food or restaurant.  


I would never offer any workman a lunch at my house.    It seems so inappropriate.  I have always offered any workman or delivery person a cold drink if they are in my house for a little while.     Some have graciously accepted it but others have declined.   

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@J Town Girlwrote:


Why do people feel they have to give workers their lunch? They will either go buy lunch or will have brought a cooler with their lunch in it. 



@151949, maybe I misunderstand but I thought the poster meant that the tip she gave them would help pay for their lunch at a fast food or restaurant.  


I would never offer any workman a lunch at my house.    It seems so inappropriate.  I have always offered any workman or delivery person a cold drink if they are in my house for a little while.     Some have graciously accepted it but others have declined.   

My understanding was the same as yours.  She suggested tipping a small amount, and telling them that she was treating them to lunch - in other words something along the lines of, "Thank you.  Please use this to buy a nice lunch".


It didn't seem at all to me that she was actually providing food and setting the table for them.  Of course they can use the money however they want, but it's a nice thing to say when handing a tip to a worker.  It's actually not really about lunch at all.

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My father was a carpet layer for many years, and now my brother is just retiring from the same job (having done it for decades).  They were always grateful if someone offered them a cold drink. Something more like cookies/cake/pie (rare occurences) would be an appreciated extra.


As for cash tips--no.

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No, not even if they are moving furniture.  There's a charge to move the furniture and the workers know they will have to move it when they get their work tickets for the day.

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I think the tipping thing is regional.  People in my part of the country don't tip workers who are paid a living wage by their employers.  I tip food servers and my hairdresser but nobody else, nor do they expect it.

They are the only people I tip.


And I definitely don't do tip jars on counters - they are also being paid at least the state minimum wage.

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When we had some extensive remodeling done on our home once it was fall and rather chilly - esp. in the mornings. So they started at 7AM and around 10AM I would make a pot of hot coffee and put out some cookies or donuts for the workman. They truely appreciated it, but on the other hand , after a few days, they came to expect it and would knock on the door telling me it was time to make the coffee or in the afternoon, would ask me to make a pot of coffee for them.I didn't mind but I thought they were kinda bold.

On an unrelated subject - those guys had a Downs syndrome young man who worked with them and he was very sweet. He absolutely loved our dog.Every break he would get her to come sit with him under a tree and would talk to her & pet her etc.For a while after they finished that job he would come by occasionally to visit her. 

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We are having carpet laid in my mom's house next week. 


I was considering whether or not to tip so this thread is a very timely topic for me!


We (mom and I) will be moving all furniture and other things out of the rooms, and putting everything back ourselves.


We are being charged for them removing (tear out and take away) the existing carpet. 


We were told that they would charge to move any furniture. We asked, since we are replacing the kitchen floor at the same time, about the fridge. We can move it, but to where since all the floors will be torn up at the same time. We were asking just to be sure it wouldn't be in their way. My only concern was moving it back in on the new floor and scratching it. 


We were told they would move it but charge us like $20 to do it (and this would be like moving less than six feet, one way, back into it's space after the new floor was laid). Each item would be charged similar to this. 


At this point, I feel we are paying extra for things like tear up, disposal, moving things etc. and I don't plan to tip when they are being paid for their work plus all this too. 


We'll see if they go above and beyond and what happens. I haven't ruled out tipping totally, but we are being charged for every little thing already, so.....





Do you have those furniture slider things? Those work so slick!

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I spent $64,000 on a home improvement and I'm supposed to TIP them? Yeah, right.


Windows cost my in-laws $26,000 for NINE windows and the team actually had the nerve to ask:


* where the drinks were located

* where lunch was

* used the bathrooms AND left them...unkempt.


At the end of the day (windows are installed in 1 day), they hung around and kinda looked ...frustrated. Mum asked what was wrong and one of them men leaned in and whispered "the men are waiting for their tip, Ma'am". THAT WAS IT for Mum. She stood up (all 5'3") and roared in her wonderful Yorkshire accent  "Ye get yourselves out o me house NOW, ye thankless scallywags!!" She was TICKED OFF, let me tell ya. The Anderson Windows rep got an earful shortly after.


Separate note: I was at Popeye's Chicken and automatically added on to your receipt was a TWENTY PERCENT GRATUITY. AUTOMATIC. Either you paid it or no food. Understand this is a franchise so the owner calls the shots. We walked out.


Tipping is WAY out of control. WAY out of control.