Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,245
Registered: ‎03-09-2010 sound like my husband, he says the same thing about cracking, darn!!

I guess we will just bring it in, not what I want to do but I certainly don't want to replace the set if I don't absolutely have to....

in January my health insurance is going to cost me an additional $200.00!! So the disposable income is getting thinner and thinner.

thanks everyone for the replies.

Posts: 52
Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Just wanted to say that last year I bought a nice canvas cover for two outdoor wicker chairs.  I stacked the chairs and covered them, there was a drawstring on the bottom but it did not close tightly enough because this "tent" became the winter home for a pair of squirrels.  They destroyed the chairs.  By the time I realized they were living underneath the cover it was too late.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,245
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Wow, Globegrl..I bet that was a surprise!  I'll stick with bringing my set inside!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,521
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Western Pa. here and every fall we take all our tables and chairs off the deck and store them in our other garage. All the cushions are taken down to the basement. All the summer lights are also taken down which is a major pain to deal with but if I want to keep them new looking it has to be done.  Been doing this chore every year since  we put this big deck on to the house. Then comes late April and the deck is cleaned and given a coat of CWF Flood protecter. 12' x38' that has been my routine since 1990.