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Re: New humming noise in my house-afraid

I would suspect the refrigerator.  

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Re: New humming noise in my house-afraid

Sorry this is happening.  Must be a worry but you have done some good investigating.


For me, I would take a little walk to see if the sound is also a couple of blocks away.  That would be useful information.

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Re: New humming noise in my house-afraid

[ Edited ]

Do you have a fluorescent light in the house?  Sometimes they hum before they burn out.

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Registered: ‎08-05-2018

Re: New humming noise in my house-afraid

Yes my thought was like others saying an ailment like tinnitus especially if no one else was  hearing the sound.I say that  because my mother  when she was in her nineties she started  telling  her building management a  steam sound  she was hearing .She was hard of hearing so to be hearing that was strange to us .They checked and didn't hear anything she even made the remark to me  they looked at me very strange. The next episode was hearing an opera singer and she was never into that kind of music . When visiting her she would say don't you hear him singing right now I  smiled we laughed . Her aide never heard her mention those sounds and thought  lets  leave a radio on most of the day when she was alone . She wasn't interested in watching TV and  see if she still hear those sounds when there was someone talking on the radio. We did notice the sounds she were  hearing were most noticeable when she was by herself.  Once we mentioned it to her doctors they wanted MRI and other testing we only went along with having an  audiologist test her not so much for hearing we knew that ,but more so for  brain waves and connection, and said they were certain ones that were not responding at all and I came to the conclusion our brain works in strange ways as we get older but was fortunate to have my Mom for 95 years,with no major illnesses .


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Re: New humming noise in my house-afraid

You could turn off all the circuit breakers and see if you still hear the hum.  That would rule out anything electrical in your house.  Then, turn each one back on and listen.   That would narrow it down.  


A few years ago, I suddenly started hearing a hum.  I isolated it to the shower and thought there must be a problem in the pipes.  I called my husband in and he seemed concerned too.   I started to remove the wire caddy that holds my shampoo, conditioner, etc. so he could investigate further and discovered it was the caddy that was humming.  I hadn't turned off my Olay facial spin scrubber, LOL.  

Posts: 58
Registered: ‎07-16-2020

Re: New humming noise in my house-afraid

One time my radio was turned all the way down and i could hear a buzz no one else could hear. Finally i realized it was talking and music on the radio.
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Re: New humming noise in my house-afraid

Update:  I called the electric company which came out and checked the wires outside on the pole. He said all was well since I just converted to a circuit breaker from a fuse box ($5000) and voltage was fine. He wasn't allowed to come in the house so I couldn't ask if he heard anything. He suggested going around and unplugging everything and listening to see if it stops. Meanwhile my son and his girlfriend came over and neither of them heard it. I was out on Friday to the doctor and didn't hear it. Still thinking if I hired an electrician he wouldn't hear it either, but might have to do that. Maybe they have a meter or something.  The guy who came today said it it were a warning sign it would be louder so you could here it and based on that I shouldn't worry. 

Thank you for all the suggestions. Hope I can find the cause; it is kind of driving me nuts.

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Re: New humming noise in my house-afraid

[ Edited ]

If it's a hum, how long since you had an exterminator?

Could it be bees?

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Re: New humming noise in my house-afraid

Not to alarm you but I had a very low humming and squealing noise only I could hear in the front of my house,  the noise was more prevalent in the evening hours.


This is what it turned out to be:


six babie raccoons living in my wall to the attic apparently abandoned by the mother😳.  It was the scariest thing that went on for weeks -- thank god my exterminator found them!


I hired a wildlife trapper to remove them.  Hope this is not your problem.  Nobody heard them but me and called me crazy🤦‍♀️

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Posts: 137
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: New humming noise in my house-afraid

Have you figured it out yet?


Someone punched my doorbell too hard, and caused a humming or slight buzzing in my house when it got stuck.  But I also smelled an electrical burning odor and luckily checked the doorbell because I thought of how rough that guy was (doing outside work for us).


My refrigerator causes a humming through the walls, but that's not constant. 


I hope it's not any poor animal stuck anywhere.  I wouldn't have thought of that one!