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Re: My new sofas are being delivered

On 8/14/2014 GoodStuff said:
On 8/14/2014 whitelinen said:

Looking forward to seeing your pics moxie!

<em>GoodStuff</em> you are amazing; you have a loving heart for taking in a rescue. Hat's off to you! KissKiss

Actually, whitelinen, it's my sofa covers (not your hat) that are off! This crazy boy-cat is such a mischevious sweetie; we love him, but he seems to have an unbreakable sofa-scratching obsession. He was adopted from the humane society shelter as a kitten; our older girl-cat was adopted as a kitten after her litter (and their mama and several other cats all in a big plastic box!) were abandoned on the steps of our vet's office. Just about all of the kitties we've had and loved have been rescue-adoptees. They add more to our lives than we ever give them.......including the occasional vet bill, badly placed hairball, or shredded sofa. Furbabies.

{#emotions_dlg.crying} {#emotions_dlg.wub} {#emotions_dlg.crying}

Isn't that the truth??!!

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Re: My new sofas are being delivered

On 8/14/2014 GoodStuff said:

I'm so jealous. Our youngest rescue cat has scratched my beautiful sofas down to the wooden frame on the back corners. I could strangle him. I need to replace them, but he shows no signs of changing his behavior, so why bother? The minute we're not looking, he's back at it.

Enjoy your new sofas!

Hi GoodStuff, have you tried putting double-sided tape on the surface he is scratching along with a small scratching post right next to that area so that he has an alternative right there? That usually works pretty well in redirecting them to the right thing. I hear foil works too though I have never tried it. Just an idea - your kitty is so lucky he has a mama who doesn't freak out over stuff like this!Smile

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Re: My new sofas are being delivered

On 8/14/2014 GoodStuff said:

I'm so jealous. Our youngest rescue cat has scratched my beautiful sofas down to the wooden frame on the back corners. I could strangle him. I need to replace them, but he shows no signs of changing his behavior, so why bother? The minute we're not looking, he's back at it.

Enjoy your new sofas!

I can recommend the Feliway spray. I spray it on the ends of the sofa once a week and my cats no longer claw at it. It is not a repellent. For the $20-$30 a can costs, it can't hurt to try. I bought the spray to help with one cat's travel anxiety, it did not resolve that, but at least it works on the clawing issue.

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Re: My new sofas are being delivered

On 8/14/2014 GoodStuff said:

I'm so jealous. Our youngest rescue cat has scratched my beautiful sofas down to the wooden frame on the back corners. I could strangle him. I need to replace them, but he shows no signs of changing his behavior, so why bother? The minute we're not looking, he's back at it.

Enjoy your new sofas!

Goodstuff, tape tinfoil around the corners of the couch. He won't claw that and after awhile he will stop trying. Also, if you don't have one, get him something to scratch on and rub cat nip on it.

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Re: My new sofas are being delivered

I hope you love your new sofa, moxie.

We redecorated our family room last summer. Our son moved to his own place a couple of months ago. I had a method to my madness and told him he could have the sofa from the living room because I've been wanting to redecorate in there for awhile now. I brought the glide rockers down to the curb on separate days - a garbage picker helped himself to one of them...{} Life has been a little chaotic with other demands, but we're finally going out today to shop. I have an idea of the style I want, but don't have a clue about color. I'm usually so safe and neutral about these kinds of things, but think I'd like something out of the ordinary this time.