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@Nomorebirthdays  Oh my I did not know that about chickens re color of egg shells - we were scared to eat them at first but now find they are great. Thank you for this information.

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Re: Life in the country

[ Edited ]

@Karlakaye wrote:

@AuntG  I haven't seen that show---will have to check it out.  Where we live, on the southern end of the Chesapeake in Virginia (near Yorktown, Williamsburg, Jamestown) it is quite flat and low.  We love it!!


I just love your area.  Been to Wmsburg and all that area several times.  It's like walking into another age. 

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It's nice that you enjoy your life in the country. Personally, I prefer being closer to things. I grew up mainly on a farm. It was a nice place to grow up but my Dad got sick and the government bought our land to build a Nike site so we moved to the city when I was 12. I really preferred city life, and so did my Mom . She was now independant. She did not drive so being able to get the bus was important to her. I have lived in the city or close suburbs ever since - except now when we go to Pa in the summer we are in the country.

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I'm jealous, 70 degrees is a long way off for us.  It's 32 and snowing....again.  Someday we'll se 70 degrees....I think.

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I also found it interesting that fertilized eggs taste the same as unfertilized eggs - a chick develops only if an egg is incubated at 100° for about three weeks.

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@Nomorebirthdays wrote:

@dulwich. No its the breed of chicken that produces colored eggs. Google Easter egg chickens, americuna a bantum breed. In general a white chicken will lay white eggs, colored chickens lay brown eggs.

@Nomorebirthdays I didn't know that...interesting!


We live in the suburbs but very close to the country.  There are still plenty of farms in Bucks, Co.  We go to our local farmer's market every week and there are a few local farms where we buy our eggs from pastured raised chickens.


Today it's not anywhere near 70 out!  It's a cold dreary rainy day!  I can't wait for warm weather!

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Thanks @AuntG---we love this area too!


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Re: Life in the country

[ Edited ]

@haddon9 wrote:


We live in the suburbs but very close to the country.  There are still plenty of farms in Bucks, Co.  We go to our local farmer's market every week and there are a few local farms where we buy our eggs from pastured raised chickens.


Today it's not anywhere near 70 out!  It's a cold dreary rainy day!  I can't wait for warm weather!


You must live close to me, or we are a stone's throw away! We also go to the local farmer's market to buy meat (I never get it in the grocery anymore.)


Life in the [semi] country for me means still wrangling with that stupid squirrel, Mustache! If I could just give her what for to give her something to think about. 



Lucky you!! Our neighbors have the Easter egg chickens. They really are the best eggs! The hens come over here to scrounge all the time, and I like having them!

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@Harpa wrote:

@haddon9 wrote:


We live in the suburbs but very close to the country.  There are still plenty of farms in Bucks, Co.  We go to our local farmer's market every week and there are a few local farms where we buy our eggs from pastured raised chickens.


Today it's not anywhere near 70 out!  It's a cold dreary rainy day!  I can't wait for warm weather!


You must live close to me, or we are a stone's throw away! We also go to the local farmer's market to buy meat (I never get it in the grocery anymore.)


Life in the [semi] country for me means still wrangling with that stupid squirrel, Mustache! If I could just give her what for to give her something to think about. 



Lucky you!! Our neighbors have the Easter egg chickens. They really are the best eggs! The hens come over here to scrounge all the time, and I like having them!

@Harpa Well hello neighbor! Smiley Happy Sorry to hear about your squirrel problem.  We had one a few years ago.

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I have never lived in a clean enough house since we moved to this 110 year old house in the country.  Five acres of mud, dog and shedding horses, mowed grass, hay and loads of daily laundry to the ceiling.  Beautiful most of the time but inside the house.  I long for gleaming floors and surgical-clean kitchen counters