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Is your kitchen sunny and bright in the morning or later in the day?

We're staying in a (highrise) hotel and our room faces south.  So in the morning, it's just a drab darkness even with the drapes opened up.  I don't think it ever gets sunny in here because of all the buildings (Chicago).


I'm so used to glaringly bright kitchens in the morning.  It's what starts the day off good.  (Sunshine!)


I haven't even wanted that first cup of coffee and I think it has something to do with it.


Are you used to a sunny morning kitchen?



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Re: Is your kitchen sunny and bright in the morning or later in the day?

Yes. My kitchen windows face east so it is bright and sunny in the morning (as long as the sun is out!). In fact I like my whole house to be bright all day long. I hardly ever close the blinds. I took a trip to Chicago this past April and I too was in one of those drab high rise hotels but I do love visiting Chicago. I hope you enjoy your stay!
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Re: Is your kitchen sunny and bright in the morning or later in the day?

Yes, my kitchen is bright as is my house the entire day. We were in Chicago a couple of years ago and even on the sunniest days, a hotel room seems to be dark. Love Chicago! Would have been on the top 5 places to live except my hubby can't take the cold.
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Re: Is your kitchen sunny and bright in the morning or later in the day?

I live in Arizona and right now the lows are close to 90 degrees. We keep all doors, windows and shutters closed all day every day. Don't want that heat in. My house is not bright and sunny. I like it darker. I am not much into the bright, and sunny look.
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Re: Is your kitchen sunny and bright in the morning or later in the day?

It isn't bright in my kitchen until mid-morning or so, because it faces West and North.  It is very bright the rest of the day, though, and I love that it is.  I keep blinds either opened or raised almost all the time.   I've never been to Chicago.  Cat Embarassed 

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Re: Is your kitchen sunny and bright in the morning or later in the day?

My kitchen is bright and sunny in the morning.  I have 2 windows and a sliding glass door in there.

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Re: Is your kitchen sunny and bright in the morning or later in the day?

One of the things that I like about my house is that most of the windows are either on the north side or the south side.   There are a few on the east side, so that's not bad.


I really don't like 'sunny' so, for me, this is great.    But i do have plenty of light unless it's dark outside. 


If I had to have one room that was sunny at any given time, anyway, it wouldn't be my kitchen so things have worked out well.  Smiley Happy

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Re: Is your kitchen sunny and bright in the morning or later in the day?

My kitchen is not sunny (faces south with trees to the East) but is bright and cheerful with plenty of light!

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Re: Is your kitchen sunny and bright in the morning or later in the day?

Our kitchen isn't as light in the morning as it could be, as we have a covered deck that prevents it from being too bright. It does get some good sun a little later on, and that's nice. I try to have it very warm and cozy, and that helps keep it cheery even with it being a bit less light than I would like. pinky

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Re: Is your kitchen sunny and bright in the morning or later in the day?

I live in Florida so my home is sunny all day long. The dining room window faces east and gets morning sun that gets into the kitchen as well since it is an open concept house with few walls. Only my bathrooms do not get sun as neither one has a window.