Posts: 63
Registered: ‎07-17-2010

I have questions about La-Z Boy Furniture galleries

My husband and I are excited to be downsizing to a new townhome from a single family (read: too much property to take care of) home....the La Z Boy ads with the new Urban Attitudes collection appeals to our taste as we want to decorate Urban Chic...are the La Z Boy furniture galleries all special order products??? In other words; do we have to wait 16 weeks to get our new furniture if we chose something there??? We bought a lovely new recliner from QVC a few weeks ago and it was great it arrived in five days!!! Any ideas??thanks so much!

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Re: I have questions about La-Z Boy Furniture galleries

When I went to La-z Boy a couple eyars back everything was custom. Custom = $$$ plus lots of time to receive!! That instant gratification is one of the selling points when Q has their recliners.

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Re: I have questions about La-Z Boy Furniture galleries

Last year, I bought a La-z Boy recliner in one store, drove to the other to pick it up at the warehouse, and had it home in about 2 hours. These days, many of the recliners are 2 pieces that you put together. Easy. Guess it's going to depend on the style and type of fabric you want.

Posts: 63
Registered: ‎07-17-2010

Re: I have questions about La-Z Boy Furniture galleries

From OP:

I actually saw online that Boscovs has a few La Z boy sofas that can be ordered online and delivered quicky...what's the deal here? Why does Boscovs carry some pieces...Ive never been to a Boscovs it like an outlet store????

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Re: I have questions about La-Z Boy Furniture galleries

Boscov's is a department store like Macy's.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: I have questions about La-Z Boy Furniture galleries

Depends what you want. Lots of items that are on the floor are available just as you see them, but those same items with different upholstery fabrics may be special order.

I do know service seems to vary from store to store, so if you live in an area close to more than one store, check the store reviews as well as the furniture reviews.

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Re: I have questions about La-Z Boy Furniture galleries

Funny you should bring up La Z Boy galleries, I was browsing their website this morning.

I saw a storage ottoman at PB and was wondering if I could get a better price/selection. I did see one in the Urban Collection I liked.

As another poster said I think it depends on the piece/fabric, etc if you can take the piece with you or if it requires special order. I tend to buy good pieces that last so I don't mind custom order & the wait time.

The gallery closest to me closed but their site said you can special order thru other furniture retailers.

I think I'll head to a Gallery downstate and check it out in person before ordering. Wink

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Re: I have questions about La-Z Boy Furniture galleries

Be careful....

Yes, they are all custom ordered. Approx. delivery time quoted to us...6-8 wks.

We priced a double wide recliner. $1200 at the Laz-boy Gallery

Found the same recliner in a Mom/Pop furniture store in a dink of a town for $824!!

Wrong color on reorder in our choice...STILL $824. 6-8 wks delivery {#emotions_dlg.scared}

MANY furniture stores are Lazy-boy dealers. We were shocked and will never return to the Gallery.

Please shop around!!!

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Re: I have questions about La-Z Boy Furniture galleries

We have a wonderful La-z-boy Gallery here in our city, and I bought two rocker recliners there in August, they are power chairs, and we just love them and they are so comfortable, you don't want to get out of them! We got our chairs on sale!

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Re: I have questions about La-Z Boy Furniture galleries

Last year we walked into a Lazy Boy store, found a sectional we loved, they had the color and fabric we wanted in stock. We had it in a few days.

You've got to go into the store and check out what you like.

They also will deal with you for the best price.