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Although I don't hate it, love is a pretty strong word.

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I love to crochet

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My Son gave us a Roomba for Christmas; we love that little sucker!  We have it programmed to vacuum every other day at 9 am (while I'm still enjoying coffee in bed).

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I really dislike vacuuming.  I don’t find it brings any order to a room or even seems productive. It’s necessary, so I do it, but somehow get no satisfaction. 


But I do enjoy ironing!  I like removing wrinkles and making clothes or table linens look fresh and neat. For me, it’s always a rewarding effort. My Rowenta is a favorite appliance in my homemaking support collection. 


Go figure. I know very few women who enjoy ironing. But there’s a sold faction for vacuuming. I’d be so willing to swap chores; if someone would come do my couple of rugs, I’d be glad to run up their shirts, pants, table runners, etc.  😉



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I so agree with you, @Sweetbay magnolia.  I find it very therapeutic to vacuum or swiffer (depending on which floor I am doing)  If my floors are clean, to me my house is clean!

I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend, til death, your right to say it
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No!  Can't relate.  Never liked housework of any kind.  But, like when the house is clean. Tried house cleaners, but while they did a good job at first, they began slacking I fired them.  


Same with gardening.  Start off doing a good job, then send newbies who don't know what they are doing. I don't like someone practicing on my property.  

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I also love to vacuum. I love a clean house and for the most part, enjoy housework overall.

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Cannot relate at all. Have never enjoyed housework . . . it's tedius, menial and boring. Didn't realize how awful it was because we always had housekeepers growing up. Married and began taking care of our first house and thought, "If this is what marriage is, I'm not sure I want any part of it." Fortunately, my husband understood and pitched in to help! And I stayed married.


Give me a great job with mental challenges any day over cooking, cleaning, vacuuming, and housework. Although I expect a spotless home, I'm not the one to do it often. It's not in my DNA. 

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I will say that when the floors are clean then most everything else in the house looks more than halfway clean.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I will add to your vacuum love..... I enjoy cleaning house - I really don't find it to be a big chore -