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Re: How often do you wash/replace towels in guest bath?

Daily....I never use my towels two days in a row...and perhaps your guests don't uncomfortable would they be having to reuse a towel a second or third day using the same dirty plate three days in a row...

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Re: How often do you wash/replace towels in guest bath?

@circles wrote:

Daily....I never use my towels two days in a row...and perhaps your guests don't uncomfortable would they be having to reuse a towel a second or third day using the same dirty plate three days in a row...

@circles - Hardly the same at all.  You're using a towel to dry off after you've bathed. 


I think the environmental costs of washing a load of towels every day is very high.  And any guest who feels "uncomfortable" in my or anyone else's home is perfectly free to book into a hotel.  (Incidentally, most hotels now request that guests reuse their towels more than once, for the same environmental reasons.)


JMHO.  I think we can be too germophobic.

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Re: How often do you wash/replace towels in guest bath?

Most guests stay for a weekend so there are plenty of towels for them to use fresh ones every day if they wish.  Our most frequent long-term guests are my parents and they are perfectly comfortable running a washer load of towels on their own schedule or asking me to do so.

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Re: How often do you wash/replace towels in guest bath?

Make sure you have a wastebasket in the bedroom for them.  Also a clock that glows at night (although some people always check their phone for the time).

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Re: How often do you wash/replace towels in guest bath?



I do not have a "guest" bathroom.....but if I did, and had guests, I would give them clean towels every day. 

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Re: How often do you wash/replace towels in guest bath?

I treat guests the way I would like to be treated.  I use my towels for a half week.   I would think a new towel every half week would suffice.  

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Re: How often do you wash/replace towels in guest bath?

Oh when I have guests for a few days I treat them almost like a hotel does. I gather and wash their towels and replace them daily. I make a little basket for them with toiletries so they don't have to worry if they forgot shampoo, etc. Woman Happy

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: How often do you wash/replace towels in guest bath?

I don't have overnight guests.


If I did, I would make sure they had clean towels every day.  Whether or not they used them would be up to them. 


I do have a guest bathroom.  I have a wicker tray with C-fold paper towels.  Everyone that uses the bathroom has a clean towel to dry their hands.  Smiley Happy

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Re: How often do you wash/replace towels in guest bath?

omg your comment was just awesome and totally funny.

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Re: How often do you wash/replace towels in guest bath?

@Reba055 wrote:

I set my guest room and bath up like a swanky hotel. Guests always comment and seem to really appreciate it. I have a beautiful tray with all kinds of lotions, various hair products, scented soaps, extra toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc.,, you get the idea. I also put out two large hand towels by the sink, and towels and washcloths at the very end of the counter. I do have a large vanity (is that the word? Lol, anyway whatever the sink is in)  between the bedroom and the bathroom. It's a Jack n Jill.  And I put out nice bottled water. 


I also have have a beautiful basket on the floor that I put rolled towels, hand towels, and washcloths in. Nothing is worse than staying at someone's house and having to hunt for towels 😜


Don't forget a nightlight, candles, a few magazines, etc. I will even make a basket sometimes with snacks and candies to put in the bedroom if they are staying a few days. And a nice blanket folded across the bottom of the bed. Some people get cold even in the summer ( we like the AC cold). And have a few types of shampoo, conditioners, and bath products for them to choose from. And extra poofs. 


Sorry to rattle on, I'm tired. What I find about the towels is most people will still not want to seem imposing so they tend to use the same one. What I do is say, usually at breakfast, that I'm doing a load of towels, if they would like to bring their's down, I can go ahead and throw them in. That seems to work well and they can use a fresh towel everyday, or at least every other day. 


I know not everyone has that much room, but doing a little extra really makes your guests feel welcome. 

@Reba055 I want to come visit youWoman Very Happy