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I posted this on an old thread/post, which was deleted. (I guess since it was a few yrs old).


Wanting to know what method of home scents does everyone use? Scentsy, candles (preferably not), wax warmers, Or what? I recently bought the Glade plug-ins. The bottle of scent didn't even last a month. This seems pricey!! I like the idea of plug-in & forget, not a fan of lighting candles. Help me out ladies!

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I use the febreeze version of the plug in.  It lasts somewhere around a month, maybe a little more.  I buy the refills at Wal-Mart when the season is over.  They have a clearance section in my local store and they mark the refills down half price.

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@TX-starlight I light a candle in my living room at night for 1 to 2 hours and it's fragrance floats through my house.

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Honestly, the older I get, the more sensitive my sinuses get, and while I do use wax melts in an electric melter thingy (sorry to be so darn technical LOL), and occasionally light a candle, I prefer to just clean good, keep the cat boxes very clean (I have two cats, the boxes are in the basement and I clean them twice a day) and even in the cold weather, open the windows every so often to get fresh air in the house. 


Fragrances bother me more all the time.


In the summer our windows are open all the time, as we have no air conditioning, so I don't worry about the house getting too smelly or stale then. In the winter, mostly cooking certain things cause me to want to put some kind of fragrance in the air for a short time. 



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I use a few drops of essential oil in water with an electric oil warmer. I’ve found that I prefer a single scent such as peppermint or lemongrass. 

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Honestly, the older I get, the more sensitive my sinuses get, and while I do use wax melts in an electric melter thingy (sorry to be so darn technical LOL), and occasionally light a candle, I prefer to just clean good, keep the cat boxes very clean (I have two cats, the boxes are in the basement and I clean them twice a day) and even in the cold weather, open the windows every so often to get fresh air in the house. 


Fragrances bother me more all the time.


In the summer our windows are open all the time, as we have no air conditioning, so I don't worry about the house getting too smelly or stale then. In the winter, mostly cooking certain things cause me to want to put some kind of fragrance in the air for a short time. 


 I totally agree. I always open windows, especially bathroom after shower.  I clean toilet, kitchen garbage very, very often.

I use air diffusers in a light scent like linen or rain. They last months.

Enjoy coming into my house and smelling nothing.

Also have problem sinuses, headaches-chemicals bother me.


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As a chronic migraine sufferer I am very careful about the scents I allow in to my home.  Fortunately I have a whole house air cleaner.  About once a month I turn that on and open a door or window.  Ah....fresh pine air.  


However, I do enjoy candles and have mostly switched to the nice battery ones.  The expensive ones on QVC look so real!  Hubby appreciates scented candles so we'll light them occassionally.

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Ugg I can't stand scents, smells in my home! I can't even stand the smell of a scented candle burning! My house smells naturally clean and scentless thank you.

"Pure Michigan"
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DH has allergies and asthma so I would say lemon 🍋 works the best for us.

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I burn scented candles continuously, when I'm home, for the light, as well.  Love them.


Jars and tea lights are a must-have for me.🔥

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