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Hidden Chemicals In Your Home......

[ Edited ]

Dr. Oz Show, Wednesday Nov. 30, 2016.   Segment re: 'Hidden Chemicals In Your Home'.   Guest was Dave Wentz who wrote a book titled 'The Healthy Home'.   Interesting episode.         You can watch the video/segment on the Dr. Oz Show . com.   ........... Have a nice, safe weekend, everybody!

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Re: Hidden Chemicals In Your Home......

A 90-year old neighbor suddenly moved into an assisted living facility from a lovely town home.  Her health seemed to have deteriorated and the doctors couldn't figure out the cause.


As we visited in her new apartment, she told me that she had had the whole townhouse painted and new carpeting installed while living there during the work projects.  Bingo: the fumes from the trapped off gassing chemicals did a number on her lungs and heart.  She became dizzy and would fall, ending up in the hospital once.  


House is is now sold and she is feeling better but is most unhappy with the facility.  It was chosen because it is extremely close to her friends.  Glad to see she was still lively and dressed beautifully...hairpiece and all !!!

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Re: Hidden Chemicals In Your Home......

[ Edited ]

I have been 'putting off' (avoiding) having new carpeting installed; mainly because I'm afraid that the carpeting will have an odor due to spraying/treating carpeting with 'this and that'.  (Non-staining, anti-this and that, etc., etc. treatments/sprays.)  I just wish we could order untreated carpeting that doesn't have out-gassing odors.  Some types have long-lasting odors, from what I've been hearing.  I've bought area carpets that I've aired out for months and months, and still the chemical odor remains.  Newborns, babies, young children, and the elderly could be highly affected by those odors.   Oh, and also those of all ages who have breathing, heart issues, allergies, lung problems.

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Re: Hidden Chemicals In Your Home......

@ROMARY wrote:

I have been 'putting off' (avoiding) having new carpeting installed; mainly because I'm afraid that the carpeting will have an odor due to spraying/treating carpeting with 'this and that'.  (Non-staining, anti-this and that, etc., etc. treatments/sprays.)  I just wish we could order untreated carpeting that doesn't have out-gassing odors.  Some types have long-lasting odors, from what I've been hearing.  I've bought area carpets that I've aired out for months and months, and still the chemical odor remains.  Newborns, babies, young children, and the elderly could be highly affected by those odors.   Oh, and also those of all ages who have breathing, heart issues, allergies, lung problems.


You might want to check around. There are some chemical-free and low-chemical carpet brands on the market. My neighbor has wool carpet in her home and it's chemical-free. 

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Re: Hidden Chemicals In Your Home......


@ROMARY wrote:

I have been 'putting off' (avoiding) having new carpeting installed; mainly because I'm afraid that the carpeting will have an odor due to spraying/treating carpeting with 'this and that'.  (Non-staining, anti-this and that, etc., etc. treatments/sprays.)  I just wish we could order untreated carpeting that doesn't have out-gassing odors.  Some types have long-lasting odors, from what I've been hearing.  I've bought area carpets that I've aired out for months and months, and still the chemical odor remains.  Newborns, babies, young children, and the elderly could be highly affected by those odors.   Oh, and also those of all ages who have breathing, heart issues, allergies, lung problems.

 The chemical out gassing can be a real problem. Recently, I had new bedroom furniture delivered in the late afternoon. I put the bedding on the bed and left the bedroom until bedtime. I didn't notice any scent at that point but I woke up in the middle of the night, eyes and throat burning, coughing and gasping for breath. I have asthma and I was having a really bad asthma attack. By this time, the out gassing smell was quite strong in my bedroom and oddly enough, it smelled like pickles. Needless to say, I spent the rest of the night on the sofa. 


The next morning, we googled the pickle smell in new furniture  and it turns out, furniture treated with formaldehyde smells like pickles. I then called the furniture company to have them come back and get the furniture out of the house. The delivery driver who picked it up said this happens fairly often and that most of the furniture coming out of Asia is drenched in formaldehyde.


I spent a long week sleeping on the sofa until the furniture was gone and the room had aired out. That was my unfortunate introduction to the subject of out gassing. 

It's really awful what is happening with all the chemicals we are being exposed to with no choice in the matter. No regulation, no disclosure. It's just sickening. 

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Re: Hidden Chemicals In Your Home......

I didn't view the Dr. Oz show.  However, I have a new home and there was a bad odor in certain areas.  Very distinct.  Through process of elimination we discovered that it was SWIFFER floor product.  On another thread with the pets, the posters warned against using the product at it is picked up by the pets - they clean their paws, get sick and some die.  The label warns about pets and babies, small children getting sick from the fumes, etc. 

We would always feel lack of energy, sore aching muscles and joints and it would take a few days rest at our other home before we could venture back to our new home.  I ended up getting down on my hands and knees to scrub that product off and out.  I would wear a mask and gloves and throw away any rags that I had to use to come in contact with that agent. 

I will stick to plain old soap and water or water and vinegar.  I also have a product called Thieves for floors that is not a chemical product. 

I've cared for my health for all my adult life as has my husband - why should we just endanger it with a product pushed on us by a chemical and its popularity. 

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Re: Hidden Chemicals In Your Home......

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

I didn't view the Dr. Oz show.  However, I have a new home and there was a bad odor in certain areas.  Very distinct.  Through process of elimination we discovered that it was SWIFFER floor product.  On another thread with the pets, the posters warned against using the product at it is picked up by the pets - they clean their paws, get sick and some die.  The label warns about pets and babies, small children getting sick from the fumes, etc. 

We would always feel lack of energy, sore aching muscles and joints and it would take a few days rest at our other home before we could venture back to our new home.  I ended up getting down on my hands and knees to scrub that product off and out.  I would wear a mask and gloves and throw away any rags that I had to use to come in contact with that agent. 

I will stick to plain old soap and water or water and vinegar.  I also have a product called Thieves for floors that is not a chemical product. 

I've cared for my health for all my adult life as has my husband - why should we just endanger it with a product pushed on us by a chemical and its popularity. 

@Puzzle Piece, you are right about the Swiffer products. They are an asthma trigger for me. Like you, I go the natural route. I make a spray bottle solution of white vinegar and water with a small smidge of Dawn (that smidge not all natural, I know) and use that to clean floors, countertops, and about everything else. I use the Swiffer mop with microfiber cloths and the vinegar solution to clean the floors and that works very well.  

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Re: Hidden Chemicals In Your Home......

Labluver:  Yes, and I'm always worrying about newborns and young children in their newly painted, carpeted, furnished rooms.  Sometimes the parents (and many people) don't have a keen sense of smell, and/or they don't spend enough time in the children's/newborn's room in order to properly detect fumes, odors, etc. . 

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).