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Do you have artwork on the walls in your hallways? 

I have 4 small prints hanging in my main long hallway, 2 on each side wall, but I have been getting tired of them. They've been there for over 20 years. The only time they've come down is for painting.


I decided to remove them today. I still have a decorative mirror hanging on the wall at the end of the hall. I definitely like that there, especially with the side walls being bare. I'm going to live with this for a few days and see if I like the look of bare walls in my hallway. 


Or maybe I will put something new up? 🤔
Of maybe I will put my old artwork back up again? 🥴

Do you have anything hanging in your hallways?


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I ran out of wall space for the artwork I own a long time ago, so I started using the hallway.  Works for me for mostly smaller pieces. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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In the hallway leading to the bathroom and bedrooms, I have family pictures. They are unified by their frames which are thin and black with white matting. There are four 12 by 8 which hold two pictures each and on opposite wall there are six smaller frames that hold two each. Nothing is mishmashed which makes it look cohesive. That's my hallway artwork story.

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@wilma  I have a series of Wallace Nutting photos, which were wedding presents to my parents in 1936. I just change out the garland on the vintage hooks above them. They have been there for 37 years so far.


Hall Pics.jpg


My DD has family photos from both sides of the family - going back to great-grandparents. They are great!

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In our hallway to the bedrooms, I framed the various currencies we collected in our travels over the years.  Have about 30 or 40 including liras, francs, yen.  Also have other memorabilia from our world travels.



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@wilma : I live in an end unit townhouse that has a lot of windows, so wall space is at a premium, and I dont have any hallways, per se.


On the small wall area between the powder room and the master BR I have a charcoal drawing of my dog that my brother did for me for Christmas about a dozen years ago and some favorite photos of my children when they were young; the 3 framed photos stacked vertically.

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Nothing at all in the hallway not even a table much less art on the wall.

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@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@wilma  I have a series of Wallace Nutting photos, which were wedding presents to my parents in 1936. I just change out the garland on the vintage hooks above them. They have been there for 37 years so far.


Hall Pics.jpg


My DD has family photos from both sides of the family - going back to great-grandparents. They are great!

@PA Mom-mom, I inherited three Wallace Nutting photos, gave one to my DB, and have two small ones framed in my downstairs hall arrangement.  They were done before color photography and were painted for color.  Lovely scenes, and I do like your hall arrangement.



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Our upstairs hallway is fairly small, @wilma .  I've had just a few different things up there, but currently just one.  It's a framed, sepia-toned, large vintage map of southern Ontario, in Canada (which, ironically, I found in an antique shop in New Orleans, and then had custom framed.)


I love it, because our family has such deep roots in Ontario, and all the old towns and townships etched on the map remind me of the gentle fields, forests, and lakes of the region, and my family and ancestors there...


Good thread--  It's neat to read of others' often personally meaningful artwork in their halls!

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In my preious home (pre-divorce) I had a long hallway that was visible through a half wall from the family room. I had quite a few 8x10 vacation photos that I framed and matted in large frames. I thought they were great looking, but when I took them all down when I put the house on the market, I loved the minimalist look! If I was still in that house, I'd leave that hallway without anything, or look for 3 much larger framed prints and space them out. I've learned that for me, not every wall needs to have photos or artwork hanging on them!