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I have always needed fans to supplement the window AC units in my very old home. I have a couple of those vortex air mover fans. They work, but they are almost impossible to take apart to clean, and they need regular cleaning.


What do y'all think about the bladeless fan being offered on HSN today?

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HSN's fan looks like the poor man's version of the Dyson fan but $90., instead of $300.  It's impossible for us to know anything about the quality of this new product, however I have a Dyson and it's the best fan I ever owned.  If it quit today, I wouldn't hesitate to get a new one.  The fan surface of the Dyson appears to be much larger so it would put out a larger volume of air.  Also the Dyson is very quiet and we don't know about the new one. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I am a Dyson "fan" and I wouldn't trade mine for anything.  Money well spent and you definitely get what you pay for.  I read the 1 star reviews of the HSN fan and I recommend you do so @FLgardener.  To each their own but Dyson cannot be beat!  

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I saw it and thought --oh yes-- until I read the reviews. There seemed to be a lot of 'noisy' listed. For me a noisy fan can really get on my last nerve. 

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I've thought of getting a dyson over the years, but I think my cats would be jumping thru it. Not good.

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Re: HSN Bladeless Fan

[ Edited ]

I have recently purchased Live Pure's Magic Clean disinfectant from HSN and it's pretty good. I see they also have air purifiers. If I needed a fan, I'd probably give it a try. If it wasn't to my liking  @FLgardener I'd use the 30 day return policy. There may be additional reviews on the Live Pure website that  you could take into consideration before you decide. Yes, Dyson is great but that doesn't mean others aren't. 

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@FLgardener   I am a Dyson fan person.  A bladeless circulates the air and is a bit different than a regular fan.  As for reviews.  There are 61 reviews for this fan.  and 40 are 5 stars so seems worth checking out.  There always will be a few negatives that would probably find fault with anything so I would not place too much importance on those!

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@catter70 wrote:

I've thought of getting a dyson over the years, but I think my cats would be jumping thru it. Not good.

@catter70    Good thinking!  (But NO fun). 

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I was actually tempted to get this.  Would never spend hundreds for a Dyson.  I liked that it was also an air purifier even though somewhat limited.  But the negative reviews all mentioned the lack of moving the air.  That's the purpose of a fan, right?  So I'm passing even though the price may be worth giving it a try.



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Re: HSN Bladeless Fan

[ Edited ]

I purchased one and return it because I felt that my apt. space was too small for the fan.  It does have a  filter so that will be changed occasionally.  You cannot stick your hand through the space is it gets hot.  I think you are better off with the old fashion blade fan .  I was also concerned that my cat would not try to play around the fan or go in it.

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