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Got a call from my husband today...

He is working from home and I am at work. I get this call... "What in the h*** did you order? This box is huge!" - oops! "Forgot" to mention to him that I ordered a Christmas tree! LOL. Then he looked at the price tag... "$400!?" Ah well - he took it better than I thought he would! We needed a tree! We've needed a tree for about 3 years but finally last years ours died for good so we actually did need one. Of course now he is threatening to order a Playstation 4 and possibly "forgetting" to talk to me about it first. DOH!

I am blessed with a very "understanding" husband. I purchase way more than I should and I've been worrying about the arrival of this tree for a few days (worried about his reaction lol). Do you ladies have shopping friendly husbands? Or do you have to hide your purchases? The only time I got in big trouble was when I purchased one of the fireplaces! That was almost really bad - but I got to keep it in the end Smiley Happy

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Re: Got a call from my husband today...

If I were working and had to hide my purchases, I'd dump the guy. It's your money too.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Got a call from my husband today...

I can understand him being upset. It's not the fact that you ordered the tree, it's the cost. I think I'd be upset with that also. To me, that classifies as a "large purchase" and should be discussed between the two of you beforehand.

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Re: Got a call from my husband today...

On 10/1/2014 kachina624 said: If I were working and had to hide my purchases, I'd dump the guy. It's your money too.

yes women should dump their husbands if they have anything to say about their purchases or if they spend so much they think it may be an issue-makes perfect sense...

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Re: Got a call from my husband today...

Yes, you do have an understanding husband. A marriage is mutual trust in many things, not the least of which is finances. That tree costs a considerable amount and I agree with the other poster that things like this should be mutually discussed, especially if money is an issue in your household. That said, I don't know a single woman who hasn't sneaked a purchase into the nearest closet, knowing that her husband will never understand the need for something he may find frivolous. Now you have a beautiful tree-ENJOY!!!

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Re: Got a call from my husband today...

My husband once took a picture of everything that was delivered one day. I hate it when everything comes at once and it was a lot of little items that, of course, were all sent in separate boxes. It looked worse than it was. Anyway, he took a picture of it all piled up in the foyer! He asked if it was an early Christmas or something and we really had a good laugh! He sometimes tells me I should invest in a hand-truck! He is too generous and "understanding", I can be dangerous...

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Re: Got a call from my husband today...

My husband is pretty good about my purchases. Once in a great while he'll question whether I need something or not. I will admit to sometimes grabbing a package and quickly putting it away. Especially if it is a new handbag. Being a man, he doesn't understand why we women need so many.

But I have to say on the whole he is very understanding. He doesn't complain when I buy something. I try to keep my shopping within a reasonable limit. My biggest addiction is handbags. I have to put my own control on that.

I had a friend a few years ago whose husband fussed if she even bought a $2.00 plant. Honestly I could not be married to someone like that. Right now I have two friends who go shopping and hide all their purchases in the trunk of their cars and and then they wait until their husbands leave for work before bringing them into the house. I wouldn't want to have to live like that.

I think we are both lucky to have the husbands that we do.

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Re: Got a call from my husband today...

On 10/1/2014 furbabylover said:

Yes, you do have an understanding husband. A marriage is mutual trust in many things, not the least of which is finances. That tree costs a considerable amount and I agree with the other poster that things like this should be mutually discussed, especially if money is an issue in your household. That said, I don't know a single woman who hasn't sneaked a purchase into the nearest closet, knowing that her husband will never understand the need for something he may find frivolous. Now you have a beautiful tree-ENJOY!!!

I have to agree!

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Re: Got a call from my husband today...

My dh and I both have careers, no bills and don't spend frivolously, however if I wish to spend $ on an item, I do. I would discuss a vehicle purchase! He knows I can drop $500+ on clothing or shoes and as long as we have a savings, investments and no payments but taxes, he's fine.

I think the OP was joking! {#emotions_dlg.laugh} Enjoy your TREE!

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Re: Got a call from my husband today...

I don't hide my purchases. My husband is retired and at home and sometimes he give me the old raised eyebrow...but I make most of the money and I'll darn well spend it on what I want.