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@sceniccoast , agreed on the light fixtures.  LM

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I think it's very nice, but I agree with the poster who said it's more coastal than farmhouse.


I hate to nitpick at individual items, but the only thing I don't really care for is the bed (and night table) which I think is kind of heavy looking for that room.


I think it's a very inviting home.  

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It looks very homey and comfortable to me......I like it.

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I love it all, although I would add some color.

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I love it! It is beautiful, more of an updated farmhouse to me......I love the decor as well as the furnishings, very very nice!

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My cousins grew up in a farmhouse in western Ma.   This one has some of that old farmhouse charm.  I really like it and used to love visiting them in the old days!

Big windows are my passion and looking out on a lake, that's just awesome IMO.

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I don't love everything, but I love enough that I could move in today.  The bed seems out of place, so I'd change that.  Yes, a lot of shiplap, but it's light so it's not too distracting.  Most of it looks warm and welcoming.  I'd like to give it a whirl.

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I was expecting a whole different vibe when I opened this thread, I guess more like a vacation/second home. I like many elements of the home but agree that it is more coastal and not a vaction home.  That being said with a few minor changes (like the bed and the fixture in the kitchen) I would be very happy in this home.

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I like most of this home. The things I don’t like and would change are the slip covers on the sofa and chairs, cage light fixtures, and dark bed. I would also add some more color. 

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Registered: ‎03-19-2014

It looks like the shiplap factory exploded in the house.  I'm not a fan of the modern farmhouse look and definitely don't like shiplap (much less THAT much of it).

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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