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Re: Don't Shoot! I'm just the messenger, lol.

I think it is un American not to have a recliner in some room of your house.Smiley Happy best naps I have.


Some things I agree with . I have always hated clear plastic furniture covers. 


Some items are just too costly to change and I like them anyway.


My house has some dated ( for a long time ) half paneling I have planned to paint over for too many years. I'll get a 'roundtoit' sometime .


I feel a house is different from a home anyway. We must enjoy both and be grateful.

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Re: Don't Shoot! I'm just the messenger, lol.

Naw, I'm guilty of 0. My house is new, all new decor and furniture. I feel it's absolutely perfect! I don't have any old stuff. My mom wasn't a saver and neither am I. Thank goodness she didn't keep or have any old junk leftover. The only thing I inherited was my moms keen sense of style! Heart

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Don't Shoot! I'm just the messenger, lol.

[ Edited ]

A lot of this comes from a bunch of spoiled brat kids who think everyone has a ton of money.  And who have NO RESPECT for the feelings and conditions of other people.


I wish someone in a position to do so would call them out for it.  They need a good dose of shaming.  They deserve it.


And let me add: Kids who think HGTV is great style, not having the education or the exposure to classic design and great taste, think gray is the only color for a house.


News flash for them:  Gray was so IN in the 80s'and so OUT in about 7 years. 



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Re: Don't Shoot! I'm just the messenger, lol.

[ Edited ]

If our homes suit our lifestyles and financial situations, if they're clean and comfortable and provide shelter.. then they're perfect for us.  However, since a lot of us are downsizing and selling our homes, it is good to know what makes them look dated.  A little modernizing could make them sell a lot more easily.  When we sold my parents' home in 2013, my brother and I spent some money putting in wood floors, neutral paint, updating the cabinets and a few other things. The house sold in one day and the updates paid for themselves.

~ house cat ~
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Re: Don't Shoot! I'm just the messenger, lol.

I sure wouldn't want the person who dictated what is out of style to come into my house.   They would definitely have plenty to say.  


I have wall to wall carpeting throughout my home because our house does not have a basement.  In our area most of the homes built just sit on foundations with crawl spaces underneath and in the winter the floors would be very cold without the carpeting


I have vertical blinds.  I have doilies on my bedroom dresser and nightstands.  I also have several large roosters in my kitchen along with a rooster lamp that I use in the evenings to light the kitchen area.


We chose to have linoleum installed on our kitchen floor when we remodeled because it wears very well and it's a green product that doesn't off-gas.   


My husband has a recliner that he just loves and I wouldn't take it away because someone thinks it makes our house look dated.


Lastly, almost all our door knobs both inside and out are brass.  I'm not about to spend the money just to change them out.  


It's just my husband and me in our house.  We don't entertain and if someone doesn't like my style I really don't care.  


My house is clean and to me that is the most important thing.  I remember as a child going with my parents to visit family friends and relatives and how much I enjoyed seeing all of the things that they collected or had in their homes.   That was what made their homes unique.  


The idea that because something is old it has no value and should be discarded is such a sad commentary on what a disposable society we have become.



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Re: Don't Shoot! I'm just the messenger, lol.

nice that we all can do as we please.





i am old.


i like old.


most of my stuff is old.


amazing how stunning my old stuff looks with a bit of care and upkeep.  a bit of repurposing.  a bit of sprucing.


my homes are for me.  not for some selling blog or decorator wannabees.


not interested in the latest greatest disposable stuff.  really dislike junk stuff.  and it's all junk.


not interested in chasing the latest greatest trends.   


living the way i want is such a joy.  and i wish that for everyone.






~~who/what is responsible for your joy? YOU!~~
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Re: Don't Shoot! I'm just the messenger, lol.

[ Edited ]

"Guilty" of 5 of the outdated listed, but I am also outdated so my home and I are a good fit!

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Re: Don't Shoot! I'm just the messenger, lol.

I have 3 of those things.

What's wrong with owning recliners? We have 2 nice leather recliners.

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Re: Don't Shoot! I'm just the messenger, lol. do I say this????    I have ONE of EVERYTHING............

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Don't Shoot! I'm just the messenger, lol.



Your post made me laugh!


A lot of my stuff is also "old" and purchased at antique stores probably close to 30 years ago.  So, now, its REALLY old. 


Some pieces are nicked and chipped, but well-loved and taken care of.  Some of the chairs wobble a bit and need regluing.  I'll get to it.


At a long ago Halloween party, one of my guests marveled at my "priceless antiques" and asked how I could/would trust no one would mess them up.


I just laughed knowing they were really just "old" furniture.  


Some of the things I have were bought new 30 years ago, so, now they are "old" too.  That's OK with me.


I love your last line and agree!


From one vintage woman to another...enjoy your old stuff!