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Re: Declutter 2019: What have you purged today?

DH donated almost all of his Boy Scout equipment to a local scout troop.  (He was a scout leader for 21 years.)  Inventory included sleeping bag, tent with mats, large backpack, cooking equipment, canteens, maps, badges, and other assorted supplies.  He is hoping the equipment will be given to or loaned to boys in financial need. 

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Re: Declutter 2019: What have you purged today?

Today was a “big” day, LOL.  


It’s trash pickup day, the most dangerous day of the week for our stuff. 


Very early this morning, I threw away my beloved (well, used to be beloved) Day Runner. I haven’t used it in true Day Runner form for years, but it’s always sat in a corner of our kitchen counter, near the garage, and held some small stuff- some of our stamps, address labels, plastic sleeves that held business cards, birthday list and that’s about it.  I decided it had served its purpose.


 I threw the day runner away (didn’t think it was good enough to donate) and promptly (do not pass go, do not collect $200) went to The Container Store and bought an acrylic mail center. I did have a mug on the counter that held pens and I was able to get rid of that also and do some combining. I shredded probably 5 or so business cards. I don’t have many business cards from people.


I’m pleased as punch with my cute little mail thingy.  I thanked the day runner for its service. 


I also took 4 really small items to consignment. And I have a shopping bag about half full for Goodwill. In a minute, I’m going to pull a brand new acrylic iced tea pitcher from the cabinet and put it in the bag.  We just buy my husband’s iced tea, already made, from the grocery store now.




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Re: Declutter 2019: What have you purged today?

[ Edited ]


Oh, say it ain’t so girlfriend!   You BUY your husbands sweet tea from the grocery store?   I’m swooning at the very thought!   


In this WV household, a gallon of sweet tea is made daily with Luzianne teabags.   Gotta be made fresh every day!  🙂

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Re: Declutter 2019: What have you purged today?

[ Edited ]

Everyone is doing so well!  @queendiva I like the idea of photographing a room to get a better idea of what looks cluttered.  I’m going to do that!


And @gidgetgh your acrylic mail center looks so attractive and organized!



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Re: Declutter 2019: What have you purged today?

@RedTop wrote:


Oh, say it ain’t so girlfriend!   You BUY your husbands sweet tea from the grocery store?   I’m swooning at the very thought!   


In this WV household, a gallon of sweet tea is made daily with Luzianne teabags.   Gotta be made fresh every day!  🙂


@RedTop - I know!  LOL. My husband always made the tea. I don’t drink sweet tea but he does and he’d make it, with Luzianne Tea bags of course, but we were finding as his health stuff progressed he wasn’t drinking it fast enough and it would get cloudy and I’d throw it out and wash the pitcher and we would start again.  Repeat, repeat, repeat. 


One day I was at the grocery store and brought home the mini bottles from the Publix deli just to see what he’d say and he drank it and never initiated making the tea at home again. I think that’s just another one of those traditions that go away when age and health issues progress. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Declutter 2019: What have you purged today?


Thank you for the LOL, and taking it as the lighthearted comment I meant it to be.   I just couldn’t resist.   

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Re: Declutter 2019: What have you purged today?

Haven't been doing much this month. Today I tossed a bunch of take-out sporks.


450 items gone YTD

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Re: Declutter 2019: What have you purged today?

@RedTop wrote:


Thank you for the LOL, and taking it as the lighthearted comment I meant it to be.   I just couldn’t resist.   


@RedTop - of course!  Every time I buy it at the grocery store I feel like I’m breaking a southern rule. Like I need to sneak it into the cart and then bag it in a brown paper bag. But I’m a Yankee girl from birth so I just feign innocence. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Declutter 2019: What have you purged today?

I rehomed a leather recliner that nobody ever sat in, lol.  Made a little pocket money to boot. 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Declutter 2019: What have you purged today?

Hubby returned 2 heavy math textbooks to his school that we borrowed thinking we were going to be able to use them to help our son with his math. Yeah, that didn't happen. He also returned a small jelly jar to a co-worker that she uses to give us treats every Christmas. 


I went to a used book sale at the library and bought 17 books (hubby got 3 for his classroom) so when I was putting them away on my bookcase I found 6 to get rid of. I definitely have enough books to keep me going for a couple of years without buying any more. I know that I can borrow them from the library but sometimes depending on how busy I am I can't get thru a book in 2 weeks, so I like having them here to read at my leisure. I buy them cheap, for 25 or 50 cents from these book sales and donate them when I finish them. 


I tossed a t-shirt that had a hole right in the neckline.


I also went thru a hutch that we have in our dining room. We do use it mostly to store things that I don't know where else to put them, but I noticed it had been getting increasingly congested again, hubby stuffs all sorts of things in there. A lot of items just got relocated but I did toss a few things, mostly papers, fliers, etc that we don't need anymore, some weird scraps of string. I also tossed an old dirty mouse pad hubby had brought home from work. Now there's some room to breathe in there again. 


Found a decorative/collectible model car that hubby got from his uncle that I'm going to ask if we can donate. It was on the bookcase and it either needs to be donated or just put away. We are not into old cars or collections and I don't want it out anymore. He got several from his uncle when he died and this is the last one so I don't think he'll care if we donate it. It's not like he was really close to him or anything, but I'll try to remember to ask just in case he wants it.