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Posts: 3,144
Registered: ‎09-14-2010

Definitely not cozy, but not depressing either.


I would definitely use some shade of white in either leather or upholstery in a more taller dining chair. And, a cool either a large oven or rectangular multi light fixture over the table., those drop light things and that old looking piece of wood do nothing.


👍 I do like the table, like the ceiling, and the brick wall.  Also, the stove vent hood.


I actually do not mind the rugless look. I keep my floors free of rugs also, except where necessary.


Just kind of boring to me, basically brown and beige, needs a little color for some sort of interest.

-Texas Hill Country-
Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,628
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

It reminds me of the food hall scene in "Oliver."

"I've been here since October 2006. Wow!"