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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

That is one colorful tree!  Very unique.


I am not fond of those rattan chairs.

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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

If the tree was decorated differently I would really like it.

The tree does not compliment the room (IMO)..I would have decorated the tree with blue, green, and white ornaments or just a pretty green tree with white lights and no ornaments would be more my style. 

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Registered: ‎11-08-2014

Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

I enjoy color, but prefer a quieter palette.

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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

@ninjawife wrote:

When I first looked at the photo, I thought there were oranges hanging on the tree.  I had to get a closer look to tell that they were glass ornaments. 

Me too!


It's pretty though.   Like others have said, I'd add some blue ornaments to the tree to tie it in with the rest of the room.