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Colorful Holiday Sun Room...


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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

I love this.  I'd tweak a thing or two though.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

@stevieb Well, it's colorful. That's about all I can say!

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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

This is a perfect example of why I removed so much blue from my home. It has always been my favorite color, and I still love blue. But I found that over the seasons, trying to decorate around it seasonally or for holiday was making me crazy. 


All the rich fall tones just don't look good with blue and the same for most traditional Christmas colors. 


I changed the main areas of my home to much more neutral shades so that I can more easily decorate for the seasons and the holidays and be happy with the way the colors blend.

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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

I love the bright colored decorated tree!!!!  It certainly stands out and enhances the room, very festive!!!

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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

When I first looked at the photo, I thought there were oranges hanging on the tree.  I had to get a closer look to tell that they were glass ornaments. 

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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

It's charming.

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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

This sun room is not working for me.  I don't want to wear my sunglasses inside! Cat LOL  Plus, it makes me dizzy!

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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

[ Edited ]

Maybe the furniture had to be moved closer together to make room for the tree, but the room looks too crowded. Smaller tree with at least a few blue ornaments among the colorful ones would be so much better to me. I don't think she needs to make an all blue tree to match the room, however. 


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Re: Colorful Holiday Sun Room...

[ Edited ]

I don't mind the furnishings, but I don't like the decorations on the tree. I'm assuming they were trying to make the tree more "sunroom appropriate" with the way they decorated it, but it's not my style. I also think there are too many things on the tree. If I had blue sunroom furniture, I would do a green tree with white lights and clear glass & silver tone ornaments.