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Does the scale of this work?


How about the arrangement of the items?  Is it pleasing to the eye?


@NickNack I know you've been working on arrangements at your place. I thought you might like to weigh in.  

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Well, it seems to work, especially if it is to be in a public space or staged in a home for sale.  The mini groupings pieces don’t relate to each other and feel artificially placed.  There isn’t evidence of personal items.  It leaves me cold.

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My first thought when I saw the pic and before I read your comments @lolakimono was that while I don't know the decorating rules, this is not pleasing to my eye. To much going on, and I don't like the objects either. A miss for me

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While a few of these pieces are OK, they just don't interest me whatsoever so I can't really say the entire vignette appeals to me.  With regards to scale, the piece that doesn't work for me is the candelabra.  I feel it's too large and competes with the picture.  Otherwise, everything else works (but I would rearrange and probably eliminate a few of the really small pieces).

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@lolakimono   I like the silver bowl on the books, but that's the only element that I like about this.  I don't like the large pieces on either end with the very small pieces next to them.  It isn't pleasing to my eye, and wouldn't work for me.  

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While not symmetrical it looks balanced and fine to me.  Nothing about it bothers me.  It's a look--not mine but I think they have a good thing going here.

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The first thing that jumps out at me is the wall hanging. It is too large for the whole arrangement. The candles with holder are also too large and out of place here. Someone might find this attractive, but this leaves me cold!

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It hangs together and while I like a couple of the objects, I don't care for the gestalt.

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I do not like the picture of the tree at all and that is what I first saw.  The decor placed on a dark piece of furniture doesn't have any appeal, it is too dark and dreary for me. 

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I would replace the candelabra with something else...maybe a slim vase.

Other than that.. I like it.