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Here are a few before/after photos for inspiration.




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I actually prefer the before. It’s not perfect, but it has more personality. The after is too bland and grey. I love the horse artwork! 

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@wilma wrote:

I actually prefer the before. It’s not perfect, but it has more personality. The after is too bland and grey. I love the horse artwork! 

I was gonna say the same thing about preferring the before better.

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@wilma  I kinda agree with you.  I do like the light coming in but I've never cared for long heavy curtains.


I have 6 over 9 windows (almost to floor) and in most of the rooms I have stained wood and wooden venetian blinds some stained some not.


Curtains only in Bay window across it, see through curtain.

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@lolakimono   LOL, I thought this was going to be another Lisa Robertson thread!  Whew, what a relief.


In the first set, I prefer the before but I'd add some touches of bright color.  The print in the chairs is interesting but drab.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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The first one says dungeon and depressing to me.  I like the re-do a lot, but then I love blue and simple.  Like me--simple!