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Re: Aqua LR with Lots of Seating

Wouldn't mind a room like that in my dream cottage. Since I'd like to use the bench seating for guests, the two pictures would have to go.

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Re: Aqua LR with Lots of Seating

Where is the comfy chair? It's all seating for multiple people. Nix on the pictures. It's a bit crowded but the space itself is nice and I like the colors.

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Re: Aqua LR with Lots of Seating

I really liked the room a lot better after you posted the second view.  However, I'm still not a fan of aqua as the focal color in a room (accent is OK) and it's a little too cramped and crowded for me.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: Aqua LR with Lots of Seating

Hmmm. I like the seating, but the fireplace and t.v. and that whole area to me looks rather cramped. You can't decorate the fireplace mantel because the television is too low, so I like parts of this room, I guess.

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Registered: ‎06-10-2010

Re: Aqua LR with Lots of Seating

 I really like it but I would cut back on some of the black.