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Re: Another look at a method for controlling...

@Susan Louise wrote:

@Snicks1 wrote:
@Susan Louise, very nice. We did the same thing when we redid the kitchen flooring with wood laminate planks, we bought enough to do the bathroom just off the hall. Now, when I find the new vanity I want for in there, we already have the flooring.


@Snicks1  Thank you Smiley Happy

When DH and I were checking out the types of flooring, we read info about making sure to get what you need and a bit extra because it happens rather often that colors/designs/brands can become obsolete even after one year if it doesn't sell enough or the company goes out of business, etc.

We would never had thought we had to worry about that...didn't even cross our mind. 

The short stack of boxes of tiles for the bathrooms are right next to our dryer downstairs in the basement. I'll be glad when they are finally installed...LOL


Your kitchen sounds great with the wood planks. I would never think to use wood in the bathroom though. Do they do well resisting moisture? Smiley Happy

@Susan Louise

 I think the wood laminate will be ok for my bathroom, hubby uses the other bathroom that has vinyl flooring and I dry off from my shower or bath while standing inside the shower/tub, so there is minimal water (as long as there are no plumbing problems, that is). 

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Another look at a method for controlling...



not sure on the "quick fix" theory.  My parents were considered "wealthy" by standards in the 50s.   my father was a successful contractor & could afford to give us the better things in life, i.e., private education, cars, home, clothing, vacations, etc.  


although, he was frugal in many ways.  When charge cards became the thing back then I remember my mother saying she "needed" new appliances (he was building a addition on our home with updated kitchen - took years🙄) & Sears was offering a charge card.  Oh my, I will never forget the huge fight they had -- ending with him saying "I will never make another man rich by paying interest!" (That stuck with me and I was 10 or so!)


 Boy, I hated to always wait for what I wanted! Maybe this is why I'm a little impulsive in spending/buying things.


 Therefore, everything they bought was always the best  when he could afford it & pay cash!  "Unfortunately"  I married the same kind of frugal man...ugh!!!!  Not good for me!!! Lol


We had a 5 year plan to remodel (with cash) the villa we purchased.  did all the big items - new roof, a/c, full house windows, kitchen, carpeting, master bath remodel and I'm down to the last 2 things - new flooring & full house painting.  Countless hours have been spent in planning, meeting contractors for estimates, bringing samples home, etc.  - but all worth it!  This to me is a big accomplishment ... waiting & planning because I am impulsive by nature!  Almost a year has passed & I'm still deciding on cost, contractor, etc. for our last project.  


To get back to the topic:  I don't think "quick fixes" are a good thing especially when it comes to ones health or living conditions.  A new bedding set isn't going to make a mattress better for my body   - so I would forego what I would spend on it & put towards a new mattress fund! 


For me, after purging, donating, packing away Christmas & getting organized for community yard sale (oh my 😱😱) -- I've got no desire to shop & of course, most of it's going to end up in some thrift store anyway (after I die) as my kids have no use for excess! (I'm trying to not go to stores or decor is my weakness! -- I need intervention!!!)




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Re: Another look at a method for controlling...

I get what you mean.  I am working on curbing spending on unnecessary things.  I'm not perfect, but rather a work in progress.  I'm committed to tightening the belt to get a couple bigger purchases.

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Re: Another look at a method for controlling...

Agree totally...but it isn't easy especially when you love home decor and decorating.

The base and main projects of the home should be in good condition and of good quality before you decorate them. 

I just wish I could afford to do everything I want to do in my home.