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Your plans for New Year’s Eve or NY’s Day.

DH and I usually go out on NY’s Eve for a nice lunch and catch up on some shopping. On NY’s day, we have a fancy dinner of some kind at home (he loves to cook). West Michigan is in the midst of the stinking cold snap that’s settled over the country so I’m not sure what our plans are for this last big holiday of the year. What do some of you have planned? A quiet evening at home or a party with friends? A healthy and safe New Year to all my friends on the boards.

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Re: Your plans for New Year’s Eve or NY’s Day.

I’ll be home (my warm home!) with my cats. Perfection.

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Re: Your plans for New Year’s Eve or NY’s Day.

As a retired couple of over fifty years, my DH and I will enjoy ringing in the New Year alone because that's the way we started it when we were first married. We will enjoy a steak dinner and toast at midnight to the longevity of the two of us and pray that 2018 will be another wonderful year. On New Yesr's Day we will relax and watch all the exciting college bowl games, another tradition since we were first married. We'll have a lucky lunch of pork, collards, blackeyed peas and rice, corn on the cob, and a seven layer salad. We'll enjoy the games and maybe nap on and off. We will continue to realize how blessed and grateful we are to have each other for so long and hope for all the days of 2018 together for another year in our life book. We look forward to this time every year, and renew our lives together. 


Best wishes to everyone else for a Happy New Year in 2018.



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Re: Your plans for New Year’s Eve or NY’s Day.

We rarely do anything for New Years. Some years, if he is off work, we will go out for lunch and maybe shopping, but as cold as it is this year, I kind of doubt we'll even bother with that, as it's just too much effort to run in and out with wind chills at or below zero right now. 


It's never been a holiday I care much about doing anything for. 


When my son was little, we made lots of snack foods, watched the ball drop and made a party out of it. 


We have friends that go out to lunch, then to the book store where everyone in the family gets a new book, then home to read in the New Year by a crackling fire. That sounds like the perfect New Year's Eve to me!

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Re: Your plans for New Year’s Eve or NY’s Day.

We never do anything on New Year’s Eve. It’s my least favorite night of the year. 


They're calling for snow here in Atlanta New Year’s Eve into New Year’s Day. Have no idea if they mean a few flurries, a dusting or 45 feet. 


In any case, I would imagine we’d go up the street for Mexican food for lunch on the 31st. New Year’s Day, I’ve already bought a pork roast and sauerkraut. 


And whenever the Rose Bowl is on, we’ll probably watch that because the Univ. Of Georgia is playing. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Your plans for New Year’s Eve or NY’s Day.

I expect to be home alone; teacher daughter is already at her boyfriends until the 1st, trucker daughter went back on the road today, and husband will be playing cards at his sisters.   It will be the first time I’ve been home alone since before my knee surgery 2 months ago.   I am looking forward to a quiet night in my pajamas!

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Re: Your plans for New Year’s Eve or NY’s Day.

@Mominohio  As you may remember, I'm in the snowbelt east of Cleveland, so between this awful deep freeze and the snow, snow, snow......I will be home.  My work closes between Christmas and New Years, so I'm already getting cabin fever.  I got out on Christmas to see my sis and BIL, but he also has to plow snow.  Drove to the gym OK yesterday, but today I've been buried........waaaaaah!

Laura loves cats!
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Re: Your plans for New Year’s Eve or NY’s Day.

Large New Years Eve square dance festival. Dancers from three or four states.  

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Re: Your plans for New Year’s Eve or NY’s Day.

@2blonde wrote:

@Mominohio  As you may remember, I'm in the snowbelt east of Cleveland, so between this awful deep freeze and the snow, snow, snow......I will be home.  My work closes between Christmas and New Years, so I'm already getting cabin fever.  I got out on Christmas to see my sis and BIL, but he also has to plow snow.  Drove to the gym OK yesterday, but today I've been buried........waaaaaah!




Lake Effect Snow!! Ugh!


How many inches do you all have on the ground up there now? 


We are near Mansfield, only about 70 miles south of Cleveland proper, and we only have a dusting or so (maybe a couple of inches), hard to tell with the blowing that has drifted it some places, but left a lot of bare spots too. 


It's the cold that has me locked down. I haven't been out since the 23rd, and have no desire to go anywhere. I get like that after Christmas, and often don't go out for a week or more if it gets cold like this. 


I'm shopped out, sick of eating out (we did way too much of that this holiday season), and no fan of below zero wind chills. Add to that the reports of the flu being prevalent this year, and I'm happy to stay home for weeks on end this time of year! I've been cleaning out closets and reorganizing things before taking down the Christmas decor!


I heard Erie PA got hit bad (like 50 inches in a day!!!!), but how are you guys doing up in the eastern snow belt?  We used to get Cleveland news and keep up on that, but where we live now, they make us take Columbus, so I never really know what is going on weather wise up in your area any more!

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Re: Your plans for New Year’s Eve or NY’s Day.

I plan to be home where it's warm.  This is a week of rest for us and I'm really enjoying the down time.  We'll have our New Years Day dinner of Pork, Cabbage, Blackeyed Peas and Cornbread. 


Happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to you and everyone here on the boards.