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Re: What do you enjoy as a gift?

Like Annabella, the gift of time with someone I love.


A weekend with DS, he'll treat me to dinner at a steakhouse or we'll make pizza together & give me a hand around the house if I need it.


Nothing I need, shopping anymore is one big meh.

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Re: What do you enjoy as a gift?

I don't like getting gift cards or money.  I want a mysterious package I can open and enjoy the suspense beforehand.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: What do you enjoy as a gift?

When I was working, the gifting got out of hand in a department with 25 people.    I have only one living blood relative, and we gave up the "gift stuff" when we turned 21 and each moved out of state.    My girlfriends don't gift because we already have the things we want.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: What do you enjoy as a gift?

@Snowpuppy wrote:

Like Annabella, the gift of time with someone I love.


A weekend with DS, he'll treat me to dinner at a steakhouse or we'll make pizza together & give me a hand around the house if I need it.


Nothing I need, shopping anymore is one big meh.

Same for me, my son's always there for me and there's nothing better than spending time together...anytime, anyplace and especially during the holidays...our favorite time of the year


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Re: What do you enjoy as a gift?

My first choice is a gift card.  Starbucks or Pier 1 are my favorites.

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Re: What do you enjoy as a gift?

I love receiving technological items, kitchen gadgets and Amazon gift cards.  The first year that iPads were available, my mother surprised us at Christmas with one.  It was great!  Kitchen gadgets can be hit or miss, but I love trying out new ones.  If I don't like it, it can always become our annual white elephant gift for an annual party we attend.

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Re: What do you enjoy as a gift?

[ Edited ]

I like gift cards and holiday decorations. I know I will use them. I used to like music back when going to a store and buying a cd was the norm now I get my music through itunes.


My dream is for any person one day to know me so well that they don't have to ask me what I might like and just get me something they know will make me happy. Sigh.





until then



I would prefer someone to ask me for a list of things I want that are in whatever price range they are willing to spend.


I seriously dislike when someone doesn't ask for a list and gets me something I will not like or use. Its better to ask. Also I don't like it when no effort was put into a gift and I just know there wasn't. 

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Re: What do you enjoy as a gift?

@Kitlynn wrote:

@circles wrote:

Don't laugh....I am anything i i ask for practical stuff...namely toilet paper and those square boxes of kleenex...



THis is so much my Mother!! She is eighty five and she always loves getting paper products, laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent and definitely the square boxes of kleenex!! So every year she gets a big box filled with all this kind of stuff along with other presents but this box is always her favorite!!

I was having no luck getting my sons to beleive me...but my last birthday my one son did bring a huge package of tp...i loved it...

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Re: What do you enjoy as a gift?

I like jewelry and unique things like a pretty music box

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Re: What do you enjoy as a gift?

Jewelry is nice. Also any clothing items I select and DH buys for me.