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Re: Valerie Parr Hill holy family w/cathedral mirror...

I also wish it had a presentation because would like to have seen the back. I ordered the champagne color because hoping it coordinates well with the Beleek nativity pieces I purchased last year.
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Re: Valerie Parr Hill holy family w/cathedral mirror...

I ordered the bronze...thinking I might order the other one on waistlist. 

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Re: Valerie Parr Hill holy family w/cathedral mirror...

I will be getting our bronze holy family this afternoon and I'll post a review. I hope others will do the same when they receive their piece.


I read the 2 reviews that have recently been posted.

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Re: Valerie Parr Hill holy family w/cathedral mirror...

@Susan Louise
Wow, the reviews couldn’t be more opposite. LOL
Looking forward to what you think of yours!
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Re: Valerie Parr Hill holy family w/cathedral mirror...

[ Edited ]'s my review...I will give it 4 stars


The paint job could have been better. Thankfully I have several colored markers and pencils to fix a few areas so that will become a non issue.


As for the 'messed up' mirrors the 1st reviewer posted about, this is my take on it...


On the cathedral mirror behind Joseph, there is an area DH will be needing to use a dremel tool on to 'cleverly' remove the excess chunk of plaster that didn't break off cleanly when the piece was made. Thank goodness that there is a smidge of space between that bit of plaster and the mirror itself so it can be fixed. I will be putting blue painter's tape between the plaster and the mirror before DH starts sanding. The blue painters tape will help him see the area better too.


As for the other aspect of the 'messed up' mirrors...well, the mirrors needed cleaning. It took more than a minute or two, which I suppose there are folks who just don't have the patience for, like the 1st reviewer. Since the tops of the mirrors have rather small areas, I used a cotton swab and wrapped a corner of a damp microfiber cloth around it and cleaned the small areas quite easily (it's not rocket science...LOL) and the rest of the areas with the microfiber cloth. I guess some folks just can't be bothered. I figure it would need a cleaning once a year to get rid of the film that develops over time anyway. So, another non issue IMO.


I was going back with giving this piece either a 3 or 4 star review because of the quality that was lacking. Since DH and I are able to fix the issues to make it a wonderful piece over all, adding the fact of it's uniqueness with the cathedral mirrors, the piece is a fabulous statement piece while taking up a relatively small footprint, and lastly I love that it's one piece...not 4 pieces of a base and 3 individual holy family members, I give it a solid 4 star rating. I am so happy I bought it and DH really likes it too.


Anyway, I attached 3 pics below...2 views of the piece and the closeup of the plaster that has to be removed.






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Re: Valerie Parr Hill holy family w/cathedral mirror...

That’s too bad about the plaster. Unfortunately not everyone has a Dremel tool so that would be a real issue for me on giving it a high rating. It’s pretty, though.
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Re: Valerie Parr Hill holy family w/cathedral mirror...

Thanks for the review! I agree with bikerbabe. It’s a beautiful piece and I’m glad you can fix the issues. But you shouldn’t have to do that and some people may not have the means to do so.
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Re: Valerie Parr Hill holy family w/cathedral mirror...

[ Edited ]

@crazycockermom wrote:
Thanks for the review! I agree with bikerbabe. It’s a beautiful piece and I’m glad you can fix the issues. But you shouldn’t have to do that and some people may not have the means to do so.


@crazycockermom  @bikerbabe  Well, unfortunately they are all sold out, so sending the one we got back to QVC for a replacement is out. Additionally, with a decor item like this going to 'as is'..if there are any at all, I would then risk getting one that may be worse than the one we received. So overall, I feel rather fortunate that we didn't get one that was broken. We got lucky with our peace nativity last year too. Lots of reviewers stated they received theirs broken.


So we are just counting our blessings and still pleased we have the unique piece Smiley Happy

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Re: Valerie Parr Hill holy family w/cathedral mirror...

Glad that you are liking your piece @Susan Louise  once you fix it up.

I understand why you want to keep it, since it's sold out.

It's so pretty and I almost went on wait list.  Kind of glad it's no longer

available so I can get it off my mind now. Smiley Happy


In the past, whenever I decided to keep an item that had flaws,  Q gave

me a $10 credit.

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Posts: 8,643
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Valerie Parr Hill holy family w/cathedral mirror...

[ Edited ]

@yellowrose wrote:

Glad that you are liking your piece @Susan Louise  once you fix it up.

I understand why you want to keep it, since it's sold out.

It's so pretty and I almost went on wait list.  Kind of glad it's no longer

available so I can get it off my mind now. Smiley Happy


In the past, whenever I decided to keep an item that had flaws,  Q gave

me a $10 credit.


@yellowrose  Bless your heart!

I completely forgot about that being an option. I've done that as well in the past with decor and other types of products too. I just called and they gave me a $10 credit.

Thank you very much Smiley Happy