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Sadly- no visits or gift exchange this year

I reached out to the 15 loved ones(out of town) I usually gift and explained. We are mostly home & don't forsee being able to visit during the holidays and the stress and expense of trying to mail/track deliveries seems too much this year. They mostly understood. My dear husband asked if that meant him too- NO! We plan a quiet Christmas with maybe 2 boxes each from online. Being that we are both at home it is tricky to grab the delivery box before he sees it- especially noisy puzzles😁. I am on the hunt for very good boxed cards & intend to write heartfelt messages. It is a different year. Be safe and Merry Christmas in advance.
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Re: Sadly- no visits or gift exchange this year

That was a good decision.  As far as sad,  I think about the million people dead from this virus and other things that won't be hear to celebrate any holidays and their family will be mourning them....

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Re: Sadly- no visits or gift exchange this year

With less than three months to go, I'm prepared to concede that there shouldn't be family gatherings. Shopping in stores will be difficult for us because we make quick trips for groceries and necessities only. This might be a profitable year for QVC. I've heard stories of adult children berating their parents for not being willing to travel and visit the grandkids during the holiday, but I fully understand how important it is for the elderly not to not catch the virus.

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Re: Sadly- no visits or gift exchange this year

@birdQ13   I had the same thoughts exactly.   I know we won’t be gathering for Christmas either.   We usually do a gift exchange with a dollar limit among adults and then gifts for the grandkids.  With the virus, I too was thinking of the hassle of ordering and mailing and hoping things arrive. So I’m going to broach the subject with my adult children about pausing on gift exchange this year and just getting gifts to send to the grandkids. 

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Re: Sadly- no visits or gift exchange this year

We have made no plans nor have we fully decided against them at this point. This is the only time I have ever wished I lived in a warm weather climate on Christmas day! If I lived in the desert or in South Florida or someplace similar, we could gather with an outdoor event, but unfortunately Ohio isn't usually conducive to outdoor parties in December!


My guess is we will be doing nothing, as far as gathering with my son and my mother. Honestly I could pick one or the other, but mixing him (24, working, and still does a lot with friends and other younger people) with her compromised condition indoors this winter really doesn't seem prudent. 


So rather than pick one over the other, we may just do nothing. 


And it makes no sense to me to do both, but separately, because I have to have regular contact with her, so I could conceivably carry from him to her even if we celebrated separately. 

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Re: Sadly- no visits or gift exchange this year

First of all I will admit that for the past six years or so Christmas has been just my spouse and me.  So maybe you can say this is easy for me to say and it could be a fair comment.   


I have not had a big family Christmas in oh maybe 18 years--when you are born to older parents it can happen.


But every year people complain about the commercialization of Christmas, so here's a chance to stop that train. Maybe think about what you have often thought Christmas should be.


Not lots of gifts but lots of thanks for the family and friends we do have.  Heartfelt thanks and letting your loved ones know what they really mean to you and have done for you in your life.


A phone call, a message from written to text, maybe a small heirloom gift from your house, a gift card and note. . . I don't know but something meaningful rather than financial.  


You have a chance to be creative, to say or do something from the heart.  Maybe a gas card for a working nephew?  Maybe a piece of family jewelry passed to someone. 


Grandpa's billfold with cash in it, but more importantly telling them how much you love them.


If you can't tell people you love them or think of a good reason to gift them or message them, then think about that too.


And for those who celebrate and observe Christmas, there are a million things you can do related to your faith from reading, to other ways to examine what it really means to you and how you can uphold what you believe. 


Enjoy the day and be thankful for any grace you have in your life.  

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Re: Sadly- no visits or gift exchange this year

I live in western NY, and in my opinion, this state has done a good job of things.  Three of my kids live in area and we are getting together for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We are all very careful about things.  I have done alot of my shopping online for awhile, but still go to the malls for some shopping.  I took my grandson school clothes shopping in late August to a large mall in area.  Everyone had their masks on and all was good.  I also live in a very rural area, so I am not as afraid of things here.  If I was in a city, I would be. I pray for everyone, that is feeling the loss of family time. 

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Re: Sadly- no visits or gift exchange this year

I may be in the minority here but I am having Thanksgiving and Christmas with my grown children and their significant others.  I live in the northeast so it will have to be inside.  I have never had a holiday season without them, nor do I plan to.  Now, on the other hand, let me mention they are all  in the health field  except for my son who works for the D.O.D.    That being said they are ALL tested frequently so of course that makes it more acceptable.   My hubby and I are somewhat high risk so I will have the fire place roaring and the slider doors cracked open just to keep air flow.  That will help in the event that any of us have regular flu in our systems.    

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Re: Sadly- no visits or gift exchange this year

@birdQ13, I don't know if you venture out and do curbside pickups but there are toy shops and bookstores (that often sell puzzles) that have curbside pickup. Just another option rather than package deliveries to obtain a surprise gift. 

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Re: Sadly- no visits or gift exchange this year

II have no idea why anyone would want guests that just traveled on a plane Especially if there are little ones in the house! Maybe kids won't get it as easily but if the parents do what happens? We are not taking chances in our family. I love my family & want to protect them. I think air travel would be risky but that's just me!