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@NickNack  I mix all the MC patterns....they all look great together.....DW

@NickNack wrote:

I love all of the owls posted!  I am not an owl collector but do like them.  I bought my sister's dog an adorable owl collar several years ago.  She loved it.


The MC owl is very tempting.  I like the salt & pepper shakers, too.  I wish the salt & pepper shakers came in the parchment check or flower market as those are the two patterns I have in my kitchen.


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That Jim Shore owl is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!


  @mousiegirl  @GingerPeach 


I love your owls too


Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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He watches over my kitchen




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I was hoping people would post their adorable owls all through the thread-- and they have!

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There's a theory about why owls may be so appealing to humans.  It's possibly because an owl's oversized eyes, chunky, globular head (rather large in proportion to the body) and often "sweet-seeming" expression, remind human beings of the look of a human infant.  Being hard-wired as we are to respond to those characteristics with affection and protectiveness, we're drawn to owls as well.


Seems as good a theory as any!



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I have this from QVC from many, many years ago. It looks better in person:






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@Oznell   I don't recall where my sister purchased this.  She asked me if I wanted it and I put it on top of my fridge.  


IMG_2932 (339x400).jpg

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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@Oznell  I love the little owl and owls in general. They are fascinating creatures. We have one living near our home. I see it occasionally but hear it frequently. It's eyes are unbelievably big lol. I have the Mackenzie Childs courtly check pumpkin which was gifted to me.

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I have a lot of owl decor though I did not post any pics. I have an owl lamp and other interesting items. I've been collecting these things for years. My husband doesn't understand why I'm fascinated with owls but don't care much for hawks. The reason why is because I've seen hawks flying with small squirrels in their mouths, and though I know owls do the same thing I haven't seen one do it. I do realize that's how nature works.