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It was bound to happen.  I stash stuff everywhere and don't do a good job of keeping track of stuff.  And on top of that, my husband gets into stuff.  Rearranges and moves things.  Found a Christmas present meant for my daughter.  She loved it even if it was late.  Got to do better this year.

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Re: Found A Christmas Present

@ScrapHappy wrote:

It was bound to happen.  I stash stuff everywhere and don't do a good job of keeping track of stuff.  And on top of that, my husband gets into stuff.  Rearranges and moves things.  Found a Christmas present meant for my daughter.  She loved it even if it was late.  Got to do better this year.


I think you did just fine mom! Smiley Happy

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Re: Found A Christmas Present

@ScrapHappy wrote:

It was bound to happen.  I stash stuff everywhere and don't do a good job of keeping track of stuff.  And on top of that, my husband gets into stuff.  Rearranges and moves things.  Found a Christmas present meant for my daughter.  She loved it even if it was late.  Got to do better this year.

@ScrapHappy  It's kind of cool to get an unexpected gift in February !

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Found A Christmas Present

That would happen to me a LOT if I didn't keep a running list in Word.  I have several columns:


1. person's name, birthday

2. what I play to buy/have bought (this is the widest column)

3. how much it cost


I usually start Christmas shopping the day after Christmas for the next year.


It works!



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Re: Found A Christmas Present

@ScrapHappy   I imagine many people have done that so don't feel badly.  I can remember my mom finding crinoline petticoats meant to be Christmas gifts, one summer. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Found A Christmas Present

In our family (because I'm a ding bat) presents of all kinds can be delivered up to one year after said event.


I have a secret friend the Vet's nurse. 

She hydrates Bill 6 days a week and does everything else I need.  But she's especially amazing at finding 'stuff' for me.


But she can't find 'it' if I forget 'it'.

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Re: Found A Christmas Present

@ScrapHappy - LOL! That's a normal thing for me! My children have joked about Mom's lost Christmas presents since they were teenagers. I don't have ONE hiding place; I have many! This year I lost a pair of earrings for DD, and gift cards that were supposed to go in everyone's stocking! I have no doubt they'll show up before next Christmas!  Smiley LOL

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Re: Found A Christmas Present

@ScrapHappy I sometimes send myself an email or text to remind me of things like this. Works great.

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Re: Found A Christmas Present

@ScrapHappy  Don't feel bad. Many years ago, when my daughter was in high school, I found a Christmas gift I bought her two years later. Luckily it was something that wasn't geared towards any specific age group, so she got it the Christmas I found it. And I was only in my late 30's so I couldn't blame it on a senior moment. LOL

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Re: Found A Christmas Present

@ScrapHappy I did the same thing. A week after Xmas.  I let her know and she said "happens every year."  LOL