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I see the the QVC program guide has been updated for July 1, 2017.  Let the Christmas Decor shopping begin!

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It showed a lot of Bethlehem lights throughout the day.  Assumption the TSV is a Bethlehem lights item.  I'm going to guess a tree or wreath.

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I'm sure the TSV will be a tree.  We'll have to watch some poor gal putting it together a thousand times and every host will ooh and ah at how the lights can do a million things, and the remote control will look like your tv's "clicker" from the 1970's.


Here's my prediction of how July 1 will be fore me:  I'll be sitting there at 1AM nodding off in the hopes that something new comes on, but we'll get a presentation of VPH's window candles and wax trees that will be reduced to $.99, because she ordered too many from the manufacturer 2 years ago.  I'll fall asleep in the seated position, and when I eventually wake up with the sunrise, there willl be a Twister Track presentation going on, and I'll crawl into the bedroom to try to get some more sleep.

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@TenderMercies Here's something I posted on another thread, and the response.

PA Mom-mom wrote:

@mominohio Thanks for the info! I just saw this the other night and am excited! But, am I mistaken, or does QVC usually offer leftovers at first and then bring on the new items later on? I'm going to watch anyway, because I just can't wait!


@PA Mom-mom


In my experience, (and I think a lot of people here would agree), the CIJ offerings in home decor are usually the best of the year. 


They bring a lot of new things, (and yes, there is a certain amount of old clearance things too), and in the past couple of years, there have been Christmas in July programs all month long, not just one weekend like they did many years ago. 


We are all hoping that they do the same thing this year, lots of programs, lots of new.


Every year at CIJ, there are those who are totally disgusted and swear they won't shop for Christmas things till at least November. Then they come back complaining about no selection, once the season is here. CIJ has been the best prices and most selection for quite some time now.


Even though many of us thought last years offerings weren't as good as previous years, we still look forward to it!


Sometimes i feel like I exist in a different universe - until I read a post like yours. I always watch DIJ to see if there is a Mrs. Prindable's offer for my grandchildern's school and Sunday School teachers. But, short of that there is usually nothing new.

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Re: CIJ Program Guide

[ Edited ]

@CTQVC wrote:

I see the the QVC program guide has been updated for July 1, 2017.  Let the Christmas Decor shopping begin!

certainly the weather for Christmas now 


there is no spoiler but can't delete it  

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Posts: 1,858
Registered: ‎06-03-2017

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@TenderMercies Here's something I posted on another thread, and the response.

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@mominohio Thanks for the info! I just saw this the other night and am excited! But, am I mistaken, or does QVC usually offer leftovers at first and then bring on the new items later on? I'm going to watch anyway, because I just can't wait!


@PA Mom-mom


In my experience, (and I think a lot of people here would agree), the CIJ offerings in home decor are usually the best of the year. 


They bring a lot of new things, (and yes, there is a certain amount of old clearance things too), and in the past couple of years, there have been Christmas in July programs all month long, not just one weekend like they did many years ago. 


We are all hoping that they do the same thing this year, lots of programs, lots of new.


Every year at CIJ, there are those who are totally disgusted and swear they won't shop for Christmas things till at least November. Then they come back complaining about no selection, once the season is here. CIJ has been the best prices and most selection for quite some time now.


Even though many of us thought last years offerings weren't as good as previous years, we still look forward to it!


Sometimes i feel like I exist in a different universe - until I read a post like yours. I always watch DIJ to see if there is a Mrs. Prindable's offer for my grandchildern's school and Sunday School teachers. But, short of that there is usually nothing new.

@PA Mom-mom Oh, don't worry, I've been doing this for years.  I'll have a wall of QVC boxes behind the bedroom door before the end of July.  They'll have some new items for sure on the first, but the real CIJ weekend happens July 21-23.  I wonder if Jill Bauer will be doing her Holidays With Jill Bauer series this year?  I don't recall buying anything from her shows last year. It was mostly VPH stuff. I still long for the classy kind of decor Lisa used to present years ago.  Those were the days. 

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Posts: 17
Registered: ‎06-04-2016

I have found that when CIJ starts at the beginning of July that there is always an one or two items that are new.  The majority of new Christmas decor items come later in the month.  My problem is this.  I see an item I like and I think about it for 30 seconds too long and all of the sudden it has sold out.  Aarg!.  There have been times when QVC just previews an item and it is sold out before the actual presentation too.  Now that is really irritating.  I agree with you on missing when Lisa was on QVC.  Although she now has her own website and line of products that she sales but just like QVC when she posts new items during her holiday presentations you have to jump on it or you will miss out. 

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I really miss the classy items Lisa used to present!  Loved wT hing her shows each Friday during g hoilday season !!!!  There is such a void of these high end elaborate items that I love!   I lime Valerie's items very much ,  but not the same ole same ole wax trees, spheres, and window lights..,. Please qvc bring new and unique christmas items !  

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Re: CIJ Program Guide

[ Edited ]

@Kitty Galore wrote:

I really miss the classy items Lisa used to present!  Loved wT hing her shows each Friday during g hoilday season !!!!  There is such a void of these high end elaborate items that I love!   I lime Valerie's items very much ,  but not the same ole same ole wax trees, spheres, and window lights..,. Please qvc bring new and unique christmas items !  


       Guess that is what makes the world go around!!  Smiley Happy I hated the Christmas items that Lisa offered.  So not my style - silver, purple, lavender, pink, feathers, lots of bling.....  

      Give me the ol' red, green and white  --  embroidered boughs/red holly; gold bells; re/green ribbons; wooden sleighs; red/ white Sants's; green trees; red with white cuff stockings etc. However,  I did watch her shows because I enjoyed her banter!!

     And I agree...please QVC bring new ideas of holiday decor......


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Registered: ‎12-18-2014

@TenderMercies wrote:

I'm sure the TSV will be a tree.  We'll have to watch some poor gal putting it together a thousand times and every host will ooh and ah at how the lights can do a million things, and the remote control will look like your tv's "clicker" from the 1970's.


Here's my prediction of how July 1 will be fore me:  I'll be sitting there at 1AM nodding off in the hopes that something new comes on, but we'll get a presentation of VPH's window candles and wax trees that will be reduced to $.99, because she ordered too many from the manufacturer 2 years ago.  I'll fall asleep in the seated position, and when I eventually wake up with the sunrise, there willl be a Twister Track presentation going on, and I'll crawl into the bedroom to try to get some more sleep.

Thank you for the chuckle.   Too funny!