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Re: Anyone watching Valerie's last show of the season?

[ Edited ]

@DarlingDino wrote:

@Snicks1 the deer are made by melrose and they are hard to describe they are white or maybe ivory and the body of them look like leaves or maybe tree bark, I will have to post a pic of them when I get them so you can see. I thought they were unusual which is why I order them. I am going to try to post some pics, I just got done taking them, hope I can fiqure this out. 000_0001.JPG000_0002.JPG000_0003.JPG000_0004.JPG000_0005.JPG000_0006.JPG000_0007.JPG


@DarlingDino  BEAUTIFUL!  I love the horses, have three curiors filled with Bryers and customs.  DD is an equestrian, jumper. Smiley Happy


It was I who asked about the zulily deer. Smiley Happy  I love Melrose, wonderful deer which I have many of.

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Re: Anyone watching Valerie's last show of the season?

@DarlingDino, ohhhhh, everything is so pretty! Thanks for sharing the photos here. I bought the silver sleigh this year and like seeing how others are decorating with it. I had to laugh, though, and be a bit envious. I still have Halloween decorations out...witches and goblins, OH MY! Ha!!! Things are just not working out for me this year. I had knee scope surgery a month ago... I still can't do much. Hubby had abdominal surgery last Friday so he can't do anything either. I wanted to at least get rid of Halloween and put turkeys and Pilgrims out. But going up and down the stairs to get the decorations is just not something I can do right now. Bah Humbug!


Thanks again. Your decorations have me dreaming about Christmas, anyway.     

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Re: Anyone watching Valerie's last show of the season?

@Snicks1 Thanks so much I have to admit I was a little afraid to post the picks, felt like I was putting myself out there. I actually had to make my myself a drink before reading the replys!  Looking forward to seeing your pics


@mousiegirl I think you were the one that asked about the fruit garland on top of the window if not I am sorry wrong person. but yes it is the fruit garland and I put another one on the floor in front of the cedar chest too.

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Re: Anyone watching Valerie's last show of the season?

@pupwhipped, so sorry you and DH are both down, for now, heal up soon. Best wishes to you both.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Anyone watching Valerie's last show of the season?

@DarlingDino wrote:

@Snicks1 Thanks so much I have to admit I was a little afraid to post the picks, felt like I was putting myself out there. I actually had to make my myself a drink before reading the replys!  Looking forward to seeing your pics


@mousiegirl I think you were the one that asked about the fruit garland on top of the window if not I am sorry wrong person. but yes it is the fruit garland and I put another one on the floor in front of the cedar chest too.

@DarlingDino, I like your decor for the holidays. I know what you mean about being hesitant, some posters on these boards can be, shall we say, a bit severe. But I think that the ladies who post on these holiday threads are pretty nice and just like to see what others do as well as what they do themselves. Have a great Christmas/Holiday.

Thanks again for posting with me today.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Anyone watching Valerie's last show of the season?

@pupwhipped Thanks so much I am glad you liked the pics. Dont worry about having fall and halloween up, I started early this year dont know why, just started buying stuff and didnt want to pack it away. I guess I get to look at it longer too. I really liked my fall decor but I took it all down right after halloween. I think most people wait until after Thanksgiving and maybe I should have too. I have to cook dinner and that is a big job so I just wanted this done so I can rest after Thanksgiving.


@mousiegirl Wow did not know your daughter jumped horses! I love horses. I have one now that I used to barrel race with but have not shown her in about three years. Hope to get back into it next year. I have had a lot of family issues the last couple that have left me exhausted so hopefully next year I can have more time. I spent two years at Meredith Manor equestrian centre in West Virginia and I studied Dressage and Jumping LOved it!! So I have done english riding too but my heart is Barrel racing!

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Re: Anyone watching Valerie's last show of the season?

@DarlingDino wrote:

@Snicks1 Thanks so much I have to admit I was a little afraid to post the picks, felt like I was putting myself out there. I actually had to make my myself a drink before reading the replys!  Looking forward to seeing your pics


@mousiegirl I think you were the one that asked about the fruit garland on top of the window if not I am sorry wrong person. but yes it is the fruit garland and I put another one on the floor in front of the cedar chest too.


@DarlingDino  Someone else asked about the fruit garland, I asked about the zulily deer which is where I buy most of my deer.  You said you were waiting for one, and I asked which one. Smiley Happy  I am waiting for a few also.

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Re: Anyone watching Valerie's last show of the season?

@Snicks1 wrote:
@pupwhipped, so sorry you and DH are both down, for now, heal up soon. Best wishes to you both.


Thanks, snicks! Yeah, probably not the best timing on having the surgeries, but that's the way it goes. I'm hoping my knee just needs more time to get far I've not been very optimistic with it all. Patience is a virtue, I hear. I wouldn't know as I've never had much. HA!


BTW, I just love the pic of your dog on your avatar. Soooooo CUTE!!!!

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Re: Anyone watching Valerie's last show of the season?

@Snicks1 You are welcome and thanks for asking for pics. You are right some people can be cruel in their posts and you are also right the ladies on holiday forum are really nice. I am on here about everyday and I have learned alot from all the ladies here, I am glad I could do something for you guys. I hope you have a wonderful holiday also!!

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Re: Anyone watching Valerie's last show of the season?

@pupwhipped, thanks so much, she is my little spoiled darling. Jack Russell/beagle mix. We got her as a rescue when she was 6 months old, she's about 8 now. Rules our house, lol.
"To each their own, in all things".