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Re: Advance Order shipping date keeps being extended

I'm starting to think that QVC oversold their advanced order merchandise anticipating a lot of cancellations.  That's the only reason I can imagine that my order for the Bethlehem Lights window candles went from in process, with my payment being charged, to delayed and back to advanced order.


Anticipated delivery date pushed off again today, so as much as I wanted them, I cancelled it.  That was the last of my advanced order items and I will never order advanced order again.  It will only become the "new normal" if we let it.  For me, if they don't have it in stock already, then I'm not buying.

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Re: Advance Order shipping date keeps being extended

""In Process" is the default status associated with an order being placed"  That may be true for in-stock items, I disagree with that being the case with advanced order items.


Everything I ordered advanced or showed as advanced order as soon as I placed that order.  Once it goes to in-process, you cannot change or cancel the order because supposedly it is being prepared for shipment

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Re: Advance Order shipping date keeps being extended

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The problem with Valerie's and QVC's Harvest /Halloween items ....I passed on several items because the shipment date was early or mid October and by the time they actually arrived it would have been past Halloween and thats what they were planned for...too late for me ....I feel sorry for the retailers because they are really in a bind, due to manufacturing and shipping issues ...And its not just QVC other retails throughout the U.S. are warning folks about Christmas orders may not be arriving in time for the holidays....


There are people that have said that they are sticking to the traditional Holiday shopping period the day after Thanksgiving to place their orders or shop locally, but they might be disappointed when they see goods are scarce or their gifts dont arrive on time....

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Re: Advance Order shipping date keeps being extended

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@busymom22 wrote:

I am fine with waiting but my main concern is that my gingerbread church doesn't get cancelled only to then come back in stock later for shipping.  This has happened too many times on things I have ordered. I think QVC's computer system is programmed to cancel items that have been waiting the longest only to fulfill later orders.


One thing I did do on some previous items was upgrade my shipping to "premium". This worked on items that others got cancelled but mine was shipped.



I did use premium ship on some candles, but that had more to do with the near 100 degree temperatures that were going to be coming up I didnt want the candles to melt ...Even though it changed to "advance order" glad they found some in stock and were delivered as specified.....

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Re: Advance Order shipping date keeps being extended

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I did get my Plow & Hearth Metal Wreath really quick   Now 1 more package is supposed to arrive today  and 1 more October 8th...plenty of time...But there is one that the delivery time keeps getting extended and I may just cancel....


I hope someone at QVC has some common sense and doesnt send us "the letter" for canceling too many items that will not now arrive until after the event has passed.

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Re: Advance Order shipping date keeps being extended

@busymom22   An order of mine has been sitting at the PA facility since August 24, so doubt I will ever see it.  this can't be blamed on any delivery service.  Q has the product so why is it still sitting, I assume, in a warehouse for one month.


Other items I ordered months ago havn't even shipped.

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Re: Advance Order shipping date keeps being extended

I have a few items on advanced order, but no hope to ship date. How do you tell if it's still advance order or canceled? I've not ever had anything canceled and advance order is new to me as well. I'm going to the advanced order tab at the top, but no dates. 


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Re: Advance Order shipping date keeps being extended

[ Edited ]


@vaberry wrote:

I have a few items on advanced order, but no hope to ship date. How do you tell if it's still advance order or canceled? I've not ever had anything canceled and advance order is new to me as well. I'm going to the advanced order tab at the top, but no dates. 


If you go to "order status" then to your item, click "order details". You will see under delilvery an "edit" button.  It should show an estimated delivery date. However, this Christmas Valerie item I ordered in June keeps getting the date pushed out so I don't think those dates have any significance. I contacted the QVC social team to see if it will ever get shipped.


If an item is cancelled when you click "order status" it should show right there that it's been cancelled.

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Re: Advance Order shipping date keeps being extended

today 2 out 4 are saying in process! It's a good day. I'm looking forward to receiving. It's so hard to be patient. so exciting.


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Re: Advance Order shipping date keeps being extended

The gingerbread cottage I ordered back in June that was to ship by the beginning of August finally says "Preparing your Order". I am actually pleasantly surprised it wasn't cancelled.


So for those like me who have had severely delayed advanced orders, there is hope!